value chain wide food waste management: a systematic literature review

Res. The concept value chain analysis was introduced by Michael Porter in 1985and its significance and relevance to strategic management and marketing has not diminished during 30 years of its existence. The concepts discussed here could help practitioners to become more aware of the factors that drive the adoption of food waste innovations. J. FAO, Rome (2017). Prod. Wenlock, R., et al. The framework divides activities that generate value into two categories – primary activities and support activities. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. Distrib. Trends Food Sci. Liljestrand, K.: Logistics solutions for reducing food waste. This paper reviews existing work that has been done on food waste management in literature by taking a holistic approach, in order to identify the causes of food waste, food waste prevention strategies, and elicit recommendations for future work. Br. In this paper, a systematic literature review (SLR) was performed to investigate the state-of-the-art research related to the adoption of circular economy models and tools along the agro-food supply chain. Facilitate the design and/or assessment of interventions for value chain development, taking into. Prod. Food waste occurs in many different forms and at all stages of the food value chain, it has become a worldwide issue that requires urgent actions. Local Environ. : Determinants of consumer food waste behaviour: two routes to food waste. The literature review findings will be used in the development of an ICI waste management best practices guide for Nova Scotia. J. Phy. Appl. Int. We find significant variation in estimates of loss in different parts of the value chain, due in part to the diversity in approaches used to measure it. It references the environment and economic costs of food waste and alludes to the potential for food recovery from this waste stream. Denyer, D., Tranfield, T.: The Sage Handbook of Organisational Research Methods. 2 School of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Mountains of the Moon University, Fort Portal, Uganda. Sustain. Food J. Graham-Rowe, E., et al. Food Addit. Tucker, C., Farrelly, T.: Household food waste: the implications of consumer choice in food from purchase to disposal. The authors have developed a robust framework, which food-sector entrepreneurs can use to increase profitability of an existing business or to create new profitable opportunities. Rev. Appetite. A research and project manager by profession, Derek has worked in the private and public sectors of food, farm and primary industry in over 40 countries. Keywords: value chain, public sector, value model. Mena, C., et al. Technol. J. Exp. : Cutting food waste through cooperation along the food supply chain. : Part A. Garrone, P., et al. J. Logist. Overview of the phenomenon of losses during the post-harvest system. New courses . The purpose of this paper is to fill this gap. Conserv. Manag. Recycl. Waste Management 2016 / 8 Applying Value Stream Mapping to reduce food losses and wastes in supply chains: A systematic review De Steur, Hans , Wesana, Joshua , Dora, Manoj K. , … R. Soc. : Applications and perceptions of date labelling of food. : Creating sustainable fresh food supply chains through waste reduction. Datta, P.: Supply network resilience: a systematic literature review and future research. Jedermann, R., et al. Prod. Rijpkema, W., et al. : Low carbon lifestyles: a framework to structure consumption strategies and options to reduce carbon footprints. 1 Applying Value Stream Mapping to reduce food losses in supply chains: a systematic review Hans De Steur1,4, Joshua Wesana1,2,4, Manoj K Dora1,3 and Xavier Gellynck1 1 Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Biosciences Engineering, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium. Green supply-chain management: A state-of-the-art literature review, Samir K. Srivastava, International Journal of Management Reviews (2007) 4. Schanes, K., et al. 2021-02-25 . Raak, N., et al. Conserv. Trans. Despite the significance of this issue to the global foodservice industry, the link between innovation practices and food waste management has received limited attention in the academic literature. : The causes of food waste in the supplier-retailer interface: evidences from the UK and Spain. Sage, London (2009). Packag. Originality/Value – The paper reveals the systematic conceptual overview on comprehension of value chain model for both private and public sectors. Figure 1, a figure of the book “Competitive Advantage” shows a value chain with a typical organizational structure superimposed. Milne, R.: Arbiters of waste: date labels, the consumer and knowing good, safe food. Res. : Identifying factors that promote consumer behaviours causing expired domestic food waste.

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