The average student graduates with about $20,000 in student loan debt, but lots of my friends have more than $100,000 in loans to pay off. do nothing. Raises. You want to get your money working for you. Just as in a job interview, you’ll want to have a list of things in your head that you can use to strengthen your negotiation. Can you withstand big day-to-day changes in the stock market, or do they make you queasy? The media feeds off every little market fluctuation. For consumer protection, I pay my bills using my credit card. What do you do? What about Gilead Sciences? There are two main components to credit (also known as your credit history): the credit report and the credit score. For example, set aside thirty minutes every Sunday afternoon. Or you may need to open new accounts, which can be pretty overwhelming. Because I was getting such a great deal on the car, I convinced myself that the higher interest rate was okay, and I signed the papers for the loan. “What do you think about talking about our money together?” (It is optional to add something like, “The book is by an amazing, weird, gracious author named Ramit Sethi, and I visit his website every day.”) When you sit down to talk, once again start by asking your partner’s opinions: “I know you use cash to pay for everything, but this guy says we should use credit cards to build our credit and track spending. So when you receive a raise, don’t feel bad about celebrating—but do it modestly. Your money management must happen by default. Most people are making at least one or two major mistakes with their credit cards. . Some actually invest the money in short-term CDs or even stocks. But if your merchant doesn’t accept credit cards, they should let you pay the bill directly from your checking account, so set up an automatic payment from there if needed. If you spent $100, try to cut it down to $90. 1. When you send money to your Roth IRA account, it just sits there. YOU TURN ON YOUR COMPUTER AND LEARN THAT THE MARKET HAS LOST 350 POINTS. That’s right: For the first time in history you can actually make a decent return by simply parking your money in an online savings account. Her savings account will pull 5 percent, automatically breaking that money into chunks: 1 percent for a wedding sub-account and 4 percent to a house down-payment sub-account. Who wants to track their spending? My bank’s website is TERRIBLE. One day the market dropped 700 points, the next week it soared 900 points. Wait! For example, if you have $12,000 available to invest, you could invest $1,000 per month for a year. When you’re paying off debt, you don’t want to be adding more at the same time. Remember, knowing how to invest isn’t obvious. You want to know if you’re on the right track with your work and, more important, the way you’re communicating it. If not, leave your 401(k) account open but contribute nothing. Banks will also try to trick you by demanding “minimums,” which refer to minimum amounts you must have in your account to avoid fees or to get “free” services like bill pay. . It’s about being able to use money to do whatever I want—and not having to worry about my budget, asset allocation, or how I’ll ever be able to afford a house. For example, in the latter half of 2008, stocks dropped dramatically. The complex begins to market those successful funds aggressively, dropping the other seven and burying their records. WHY NOT, POPS?!?! I decided not to open a bank account while I was there because it would take time and I was lazy. Just automatic investments in low-cost funds (which I’ll get to in the next chapter). And we don’t want to have to become financial experts to get rich. And that’s just with $100/month! Really? Of course not. Run a calculation from to see how much you could save by paying an extra $100 or $200 per month. Seriously—use eBay. It doesn’t have to be exact, but try to get a rough ballpark figure and then save every month toward that goal. Put the allotted money in each “envelope.” When the envelopes are empty, that’s it for the month. Do they deserve tens of thousands of your dollars in fees? It shouldn’t take more than three hours of research and two hours to open each account and fund it. Any increase over the minimum helps. I’m not going to belabor the point, but you would be shocked by how many people I talk to who charge purchases without knowing how much they’ll actually end up paying once interest is figured in. For example, if you’re investing $1,000 per month and your Swensen allocation recommends 30 percent for domestic equities, you’d calculate ($1,000) × (0.3) = $300 toward your domestic-equity fund. Note: The first time you set this up, leave a buffer amount of money—I recommend $500—in your checking account just in case a transfer doesn’t go right. I don’t say this pejoratively, but statistically: Most people will have a wedding that costs tens of thousands of dollars. Remember, if you can save $75,000 or $125,000 over the entire course of a thirty-year loan just by educating yourself a little, it’s certainly worth your time. Different cards charge you different interest rates, which can affect what you decide to pay off first. .”) 5. Buy a day pass for the gym each time you go (around $5–$10). Whereas other friends might spend thousands decorating their apartments or taking vacations, John, after meeting his investment goals, chooses to spend that money going out. It took many years for us to clear up this debt. Spend some time talking about your attitudes toward money. Will your account allow easy automatic investing? Ha! Do it on a napkin—it doesn’t have to be perfect! 1. These fees eat a hole in your returns and make me want to stick a steel-tipped Popsicle stick in my eye. . For example, if you’re renting from a little old lady, she may not have a sophisticated financial infrastructure including a website where you can enter your checking account information and automatically transfer money each month. What does being rich mean to you? Many endorse the old-fashioned way: Cut up the credit cards, and pay down the ones with the highest interest rates most aggressively. If it does, contribute enough to get the full match. Here’s an example: Again say your company offers a 1:1 (“one-to-one”) match up to 5 percent. You simply log in to your investment account, browse to the investment you want to sell, and then click “Sell.” If you’re selling outside of a retirement account, there are many tax implications, such as tax-loss harvesting (which lets you offset capital gains with losses), but since most of us will invest all of our money in tax-efficient retirement accounts, I’m not going to get into these issues here. If they won’t budge, ask to speak to the hiring manager. Basic option + small optimization (recommended for most people). Assumptions: 25 percent tax rate (now and at retirement), 8 percent annual rate of return, yearly contribution of $5,000 (that’s $417/month). Too many of us are paralyzed by the thought that we have to get every single part of our personal finances in order before truly getting started managing our money. I’m going to tell you about three friends who are spending lots and lots of money on things you might consider frivolous—like shoes and going out—but whose actions are perfectly justified. When it came time for lunch, his was merely a decision between whether he wanted his sandwich or something different. I can’t cover all the tips here, but I’ll get you started with the basics. When you visit these websites, you’ll be able to research funds (you may have to click “Products and Services” on many of the sites) to make sure they’re low-cost and meet your asset allocation goals. To my family, Prab and Neelam Sethi, Nagina, Ibrahim, Rachi, Haj, and Maneesh—thanks for keeping me motivated for the last two years of writing. According to his Conscious Spending Plan, here’s how his spending should look: Monthly fixed costs (60 percent): $2,400 Long-term investments (10 percent): $400/month Savings goals (10 percent): $400/month Guilt-free spending money (20 percent): $800/month Big Win: No More Fees I recently had breakfast with someone who told me the most interesting story. The white was described in equally standard terms: lively, fresh, and floral. Ideally you already set up your 401(k) way back in Chapter 3, but if not, DO IT NOW! I might well call this Zen Investing for People Who Have Real Lives. The good news is that student loans were probably an excellent financial decision (unless you ended up being an artist or actor . If you invest in yourself, the potential return is limitless. NO FINANCIAL ADVISERS, NO B.S. From looking at the above chart, it appears that the stock is performing in line with the rest of the industry. . For example, there are large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap mutual funds, but also mutual funds that focus on biotechnology, communication, and even Europe or Asia. To see how this plays out, let’s assume someone has $5,000 in debt on a card with 14 percent APR. Good credit translates into not only a lower total cost, but lower monthly payments. And to Ben Casnocha, a deep thinker who forced me to dig deeper into everything I wrote. As we saw in Chapter 6, there are now better choices for investing: lower-cost, better-performing index funds. When he finally got up the courage to ask his boss for a raise, he said it in the most timid way: “Do you think I might possibly ask you about a raise?” If you’re a manager, the first thing you’d think is, “Oh God, not another thing in my day.” My friend’s boss brushed him off, leaving Jamie, who’s still at the company, frustrated and underpaid. Jim Wang writes about personal finance and money management at If you’re even considering buying individual stocks because you think you can beat the market or it’s sexier, I want you to take all your money, put it in a big Ziploc bag along with this book, and light it on fire. Sucka.” Keep Track of All Your Accounts To help me manage all my accounts, I set up a free PBwiki ( to store my account numbers and passwords on a private page. There are index funds for the S&P 500, for Asia-Pacific funds, for real-estate funds, and for anything else you can imagine. Now here’s where it’s interesting. “Ramit,” they write, “my husband spends way too much money on video games. It gives you a reason to make those tradeoffs. For the last fifty years, budgeting has been the battleground for snobby personal-finance writers who’ve tried to shove a daily tracking system down everyone’s throats because it sounds logical: “Track your spending! If you don’t have much cash to put down, a used car is more attractive because the down payment (i.e., money you have to pay when you buy the car) is typically lower. Even $100 helps. But that’s just me. Bogle opted to discard the old model of mutual funds and introduce index funds. You made it through the most difficult part of the book! See, the only way you’d lose money on a government bond is if the government defaulted on its loans—and it doesn’t do that. What can you do to help? “But Ramit,” you might say naively, “I don’t care about this. If I can’t scare you, I might as well help you. That almost never happens, especially because the company may have already spent up to $5,000 recruiting you. It’s a great tool to help drill into your asset allocation and make sure your funds are well diversified. Yet we don’t really know how much these individual costs add up to. When I make a change, I almost always make it bite-sized in an area that matters (see my previous discussion of big wins) and work in increments from there. Over time, you’ll do far better than speculators who try to predict where the market will go. Billed as a “paperless” account, there are no personal checks to use—you issue checks electronically through your account or transfer money outbound. You know how much you can afford to spend going out and how much you want to save each month. . Let’s try something that actually works. Always! hmm . A CAR YOU LOVE. First, let’s compare the fees for a passively managed fund with those for an actively managed fund. Every situation is different, but here are some questions you can ask. ADD ABOUT 15 PERCENT TO YOUR ESTIMATE OF YOUR FIXED COSTS TO ACCOMMODATE SURPRISE EXPENSES. Whatever the reason, we know young people aren’t investing enough. Your immediate goal should be to set up a few short- and long-term savings goals, such as a year-end trip and/or something a little more major like buying a car or putting a down payment on a house. . Let’s get on with the specifics of how you can make your own Conscious Spending Plan. There must be something about turning 40 that causes you to evaluate where you’ve been and where you are going.
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