}); $('#hideachievements').remove(); // OFFICIAL GUILD WARS 2 WIKI - WIDGET:WORLD BOSS TIMER }); GW2 Tequatl boss achievements guide showing you how to get all 10 achievements for Tequatl under Bosses category. When Tequatl comes out of stun, the assault reverts to how it was for Tequatl with 100% health (ranged assault method). This short period is colloquially referred to as the "burn phase". var widgetName = 'WidgetAccountAchievements'; Turrets also need to use skill 3 to remove poison created on neighboring turrets when possible to prevent gunners from dying. })(); https://wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?title=Tequatl&oldid=2105846, Pages using DynamicPageList parser function. return v ? return self.indexOf(el) === i; The ground chest behind Tequatl's tail is once per day, per character. $('.apikey', widgetRef).removeClass('tokenerror'); setInterval(function () { updateDiffAndSort(false); }, 1000); var diff = unix - d; function deleteCookie(name) { However, let Tequatl be a lesson as to why difficult open world bosses need to be changed: People afk/camp a servers' main map or a good overflow as to have a chance to get the rewards (not necessarily to defeat a hard boss). Tequatl the Sunless was the new boss added on the recent patch day in Guild Wars 2.He's hard. Turret gunners still need to continue cleaning poison where the assault team. NOTE: One of the best unofficial meta trains in GW2 is the post-reset chain of Tequatl > Chak Gerent > Auric Basin. } $(x).addClass('hide'); On failure, Tequatl creates a giant tidal wave upon landing, which will wipe out players in the event vicinity. return; /* Guild Wars 2 Wiki: Account achievements */ }); } var csselementids = $.map(data, function(val){ $('.countdown', $(x) ).text(countdownText(diff)); Successfully jump over the shock wave 10 times. Tequatl is an achievement category for fighting the undead dragon boss Tequatl the Sunless in Sparkfly Fen. For other popular strategies used by prominent organized groups, see the external links. For less than 15 minutes of work, you will earn approximately 15,000 karma, in the form of consumables found in the Dragon Chest rewards. | Gaming Phanatic. '0' : '') + num; This page was last edited on 3 September 2020, at 13:24. } else if (diff < (60 * 60 * 1000) ) { For example, iIf the event fails and Tequatl was between 25 and 50% heath at the end, you get the blue and the green chest as reward. return a.attributes['data-time-unix'].value > b.attributes['data-time-unix'].value; Work out how you plan to defend the Megalaser and its three batteries. Difficult bosses are GREAT. The Turret gunners need to use skills 4 and 5 at the commander's location to buff all the stacked assaulting players. } subtokenCookieName : apiKeyCookieName, cookie); } This achievement requires you to have completed “Be My Guest” which is the fifth part and third instance of Long Live the Lich (Living Story Season 4 – Episode 3).. Go talk with Veteran Brigadier General Kernel in Lion’s Arch at Fort Marriner – [&BDAEAAA=] about Joko’s plans and you will unlock the next step below as well (Mad Maleficence). displaySettingsLegend.append($('')); .done(function(data) { var match = elements[i].dataset.id; World Bosses (Daily Reward … } Guild Wars 2: Tequatl Rising is Live! One member from each party mans a turret and the other four members defend and repair that turret and heal that gunner. Players with skills that grant Might to allies should use them to keep everyone at max stacks of might. } // Add leading zeroes to numbers to make them into strings If this should occur, swim back to the surface by aiming towards the light. Tequatl rewards Dragon Chest (Tequatl the Sunless) upon defeat, once a day per character. The event fails immediately if any of the objectives are destroyed. method(); I'll talk about the rewards a bit later. } else if('bits' in val && val.bits.length > 0) { In this section, a sample "ranged" strategy for defeating Tequatl is detailed. Get a commander to lead the assault on Tequatl. // INITIALISATION Depending the time left, players may need to move into melee range to attack with melee weapons as they do more damage, but comes at the cost of taking more damage as well as having to guess when the shockwaves appear instead of seeing them. return ['[data-id="achievement' + val.id + '"]']; var cookie = getCookie(apiKeyCookieName) || getCookie(subtokenCookieName); var ts = new Date( d.getFullYear(), d.getUTCMonth(), d.getUTCDate() ); Bronze Tequatl Trophy Consumable (Generic). $('.countdown', $(x) ).text(countdownText(diff)); setTimeout(function() { defer(method) }, 40); } $('.apikey', widgetRef).val(''); } Rewards. if (!match) { Related achievements [ edit ; Current Problem: 1. $('.apikey', widgetRef).val(token); } else { Guild Wars 2 – Server Reset Time for Dailies & Login Rewards Babalon, Mother of Abominations - June 16, 2018 0 Guild Wars 2 offers many rewards on a daily basis, either by simply logging in the game, or completing certain daily tasks. $('.countdown', $(x) ).text('Active'); // Increment second but use default colouring Ranked PvP reward chests and Automated Tournaments provide a fair amount of liquid gold. function defer(method) { // See if element is in the future by more than 60 minutes Tequatl frequently throws down large cripple fields. Defeat Tequatl without getting hit by a vortex attack. deleteCookie(subtokenCookieName); // Date for initialisation comparison with event times Doing a fast daily dungeon farm will provide ~25 gold for an hour of your time. ... Tequatl the Sunless. The assault team needs to make their way to the batteries or megalaser without running through the turrets. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Defeat_Tequatl_the_Sunless $.map(rows, function(row) { $(x).addClass('blue'); defer(function () { diff = diff + (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); — Level 72 rewards. The best time to do Teq is the first run after reset. Chance at one random Ascended weapon chest Tequatl's Hoard (extremely rare) [verification requested] Notes . // If any elements have expired, the flag will be set, and the table should be sorted. return padLeft(hours) + ':' + padLeft(minutes) + ':' + padLeft(seconds); Gold Tequatl Trophy Consumable (Generic). Players themselves have access to numerous Hylek Turrets and are backed by the formidable Vigil Megalaser. rows.sort(function(a, b){ We recently announced our plans for the exciting new megaserver system in Guild Wars 2, which will help maximize your social experience in the open world. The Megalaser and three batteries will be attacked by waves of Risen, and each objective has unique mechanics: Players must split up between the four objectives. Use your heal if necessary and use dodge underwater to swim faster briefly. }); This is one of those fights that everyone flocks to. // Check if a relevant token exists, if so add it to the user interface Earn Karma From Tequatl. if (diff < (-1 * 15 * 60 * 1000)){ Tequatl breaks off from combat. Let everyone know you bested this Undead Dragon and have a title to show for it! $('.apikey', widgetRef).addClass('tokenerror'); $('.find-button', widgetRef).click(function(){ if (window.jQuery) { }).join(','); var apiKeyOrSubtokenPattern = /^([0-9A-F]{8}(?:[-]{1}[0-9A-F]{4}){3}[-]{1}[0-9A-F]{20}(?:[-]{1}[0-9A-F]{4}){3}[-]{1}[0-9A-F]{12})|(?:(?:eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9)[.]{1}[0-9a-zA-Z_-]{146,}[. Developer Livestream – September 20 Dive deeper into the Tequatl Rising release with ArenaNet devs during the livestream on our Twitch channel on Friday, September 20 at 12PM PDT. On success, Tequatl is shot by the laser, crashes into the ground. var match = apiKeyOrSubtokenPattern.exec(token); $(x).attr('data-time-unix', ts.valueOf() ); Tequatl has risen, and it will take an army of players to bring it down! var hours = Math.floor((diffMilliSeconds / 3600000)) % 24; displaySettingsLegend.append($('')); At the megalaser, there are launch pads to launch players to the west/north/east batteries. // Function that produces field for API key, and a button to fetch API account data. Foes are not supposed to drop loot. if (token) { diff = diff + (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); var seconds = Math.floor((diffMilliSeconds / 1000)) % 60; Competetive Modes sPvP. If a battery or the megalaser is above 25% health with 15 seconds left on the event, all players can start to head back to where Tequatl was. function countdownText(diffMilliSeconds) { $('#achievementcontrol').after(displaySettingsLegend); Defeat Tequatl without allowing any of the hylek turrets to be destroyed. $(x).attr('data-time-unix', unix ); 480 x 360 jpeg 15kB. Elementalists summon frost bows as before but they can also summon. }); // Sort by UNIX timestamp if (match) { // Wait for user prompt The Caer Brier Waypoint can also be used, but some events in that area may make the run back more time consuming. $('.apikey', widgetRef).removeClass('tokenerror').removeClass('tokenvalid'); The defending players need to defend and repair the turrets and heal the gunner. // Fetch UNIX time since 1970 // Overwrite debug date/time text }); if (sortFlag == true) { var minutes = Math.floor((diffMilliSeconds / 60000)) % 60; // Update diff and next event date subtokenCookieName : apiKeyCookieName, token); // Set the UNIX time since 1970 for later recall $('.fullutc', $(x) ).text( xd.toDateString() + ' ' + xd.toLocaleTimeString('en-GB') ); if ('bits' in val) { At 75% is when Tequatl will start using vortexes to pull players underwater. var token = cookie || localStorage.getItem(apiKeyCookieName) || localStorage.getItem(subtokenCookieName); var widgetControls = widgetName + '-controls'; Attempting the Tequatl battle for the first time can seem somewhat intimidating and long, but this fight is pretty straight forward and easy to get the hang of. Additionally, groups of Risen will periodically spawn in four fixed locations around the event area at fixed times on the 15:00 timer, beginning at 14:00 and 90 seconds apart. // Determine ids present on the page. // Set a clean date without trailing seconds } var widgetRef = '#' + widgetControls; In addition to the normal mobs rewards, the Tequatl rewards are being updated. Have the three parties from the west turrets go defend the west Battery and the three parties from the east turrets go defend the east one. Use the Brooloonu Waypoint and the Launch Pads to return to the battle. People want in-game rewards, especially mounts. Players with AoE condition removal should use them to remove the poison and cripple from everyone in the stack. Tequatl is an achievement category for fighting the undead dragon boss Tequatl the Sunless in Sparkfly Fen. See GW2 Efficiency for a detailed breakdown. Players assaulting Tequatl stack up at the commander's location and assault Tequatl as before but with melee weapons. // Very likely some duplicates in there. PvP reward tracks will also provide rewards of … document.cookie = name +'=; Path=/; Expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT; Secure; SameSite=Strict'; Timer News. // DEFER LOADING SCRIPT UNTIL JQUERY IS READY. $(x).removeClass('hide'); displaySettingsLegend.append($('Applying an API key here will grey out achievements that you have already obtained for your account.
')); Using stability skills here is helpful. if (diff < 0 ) { $('.reset-button', widgetRef).click(function(){ unix = unix + (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); $('head').append(''); Players assaulting Tequatl stack up at the commander's location. We are also looking at reducing load speed. We are looking to add timers for the Tangled Depths and Dragon's Stand meta events. // Update countdown text Launch pads reminiscent of Lightning Pull can be used by players to quickly move between the Vigil Megalaser and the three batteries. // Declaring this section after the button has been clicked guarantees any further templates positioned after the widget has been called will be included This pauses the 15:00 main timer and begins Defend the Megalaser and the batteries in the east, west, and north with a 2:00 defense timer. setTimeout(function() { defer(method) }, 40); we think ascended weapon skin is the biggest reward. This ancient dragon, scourge of the Splintered Coast, has become more formidable than ever with an arsenal of new attacks and lethal tricks at its disposal. ... Tequatl the Sunless – is a Risen World Boss that spawns on Splintered Coast inside the Sparkfly Fen. function getCookie(k) { } else if (showAllRows == true) { The Tequatl fight also has a collection of achievements which awards “The Sunbringer” title. A decoration schematic that is processed by the guild's assembly device to make the decoration. The bulk of the bonus rewards for battling Scarlet's invasions are now given to players who successfully defeat an invasion. // Fetch hours and minutes $.map( $('#world_boss_table tbody tr'), function(x) { // Hide expired events and update placeholder text Sep 17th, 2013 at 11:00 AM by MattstaNinja. method(); $(x).removeClass('blue'); }; var diff = (ts - d); d = new Date(); All players in the assault with should try and equip the following: AoE condition removal skills. Players with skills that grant Stability to allies should use them to stop everyone getting knocked down by Tequatl and the waves. Tequatl has risen – and it will take an army of players to bring it down! Elementalists in the assault should equip, The ideal way to use frost bows is to channel Frost Storm during a time when Tequatl is not attacking, then quickly use, Some warriors in the assault should equip banners, particularly. // Main script The latest content patch is live and we have some hints to taking down Tequatl. Defend the eastern, northern, and western Vigil batteries, and kill Tequatl during a single encounter. Triple Trouble. var mm = x.attributes['data-time-mm'].value; } The outcome immediately following a defense phase depends on the success or failure of the defense event: Tequatl has several abilities and skills that it uses in the primary phase. This page was last edited on 23 November 2020, at 00:44. Fire and water fields along with blast finishers for stacking might or AoE heals. Next reset is in . console.error("Account/achievements API getJSON failed, status: " + textStatus + ", error: "+error); // Add CSS sheet to gray out appropriate elements, or bits Though considered one of the smaller dragons, Tequatl is not alone and the fight occurs with dangerous minions summoned to attack the players as well. }); } Assault team players should attempt to make their way back without running near the turrets, as the more players there are, the tougher the mobs that will spawn (such as Champion mobs). ... and maybe this unlock/gear reward is a first step — a bad first step, but a first step in the right direction nonetheless. Create three parties to defend each set of turrets. $(x).removeClass('hide'); This is an ideal time to attack when cleansing and buff skills are on cooldown. sortFlag = true; $('.countdown', $(x) ).text(countdownText(diff)); var v = document.cookie.match('(^|;) ?' var isSubtoken = !match[1]; Defeat Tequatl the Sunless is a level 65 group event that occurs on the Splintered Coast in Sparkfly Fen. Making this transition requires some changes to the way world bosses function, as we will no longer have specific worlds in PvE. Split the Tequatl assault team up to defend the north battery and the Megalaser and to help the Turret teams with the east and west batteries. The event begins with Tequatl the Sunless flying out of the water, eventually landing in front of the player and beginning combat. (function() { Keep track of your daily crafts & rewards in Guild Wars 2. A total of 11 Tequatl achievements can be attained. Account Bound Soulbound on Acquire Placing banners off to the side is extremely helpful so players have easier access to conjured weapons. Thanks for sticking with Guild Wars Temple and look forward to the new features. Home; About; Tag Archives: gw2 gold. Just recently I taxi’d a guild member into a running Tequatl event, and he was able to join the map in the last combat phase where Tequatl is below 25% health. The. defer(function findAchievements() { Account Bound Soulbound on Acquire General. Set in the fantasy world of Tyria, the game follows the re-emergence of Destiny's Edge, a disbanded guild dedicated to fighting the Elder Dragons, a Lovecraftian species that has seized control of Tyria in the time since the original Guild Wars. There is a gap between the north and south turrets. tr.blue td { background-color: lightblue; } A total of 11 Tequatl achievements can be attained. } if (window.jQuery) { return ['[data-id="achievement' + val.id + '-bit' + bit + '"]'] Subsequently delete the cookies. ts.setDate( ts.getDate() + 1 ); This event does not have any prerequisite events despite being part of a, Players can prepare for the event ahead of time by learning how to use the. localStorage.removeItem(subtokenCookieName); // Move header row into thead -- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32889558 $(x).removeClass('yellow'); }); The commander positions themself just within ranged weapon distance from where Tequatl's right leg is. } (needs progression permissions)" style="margin-right:0.5em; width:600px; font-family:monospace;">')); // Calculate diff }); The event has a 15:00 minute time limit and is split into two distinct and repeating phases: At every 25% of Tequatl's maximum health, Tequatl will fly off and trigger the Megalaser/battery defense phase. var hh = x.attributes['data-time-hh'].value; Rewards from doing World Bosses definetely need as a system to get improved.Anet has to remov the RNG crap out of this game and change that system to a token based reward system.Example: Beat Tequatl, get a Token out of its Boss Reward Chest, use that Token at a new Vendor NPC on the map to get for those tokens either a Tequatl Minipet, the Sunless Weapons ect. } function initialiseTimers() { Ranger - Tequatl (Attack Team) The Official API is experiencing issues; skill, trait and item data cannot be loaded at the moment. .fail( function(d, textStatus, error) { WAIT 40MS BETWEEN ATTEMPTS. The latest content patch for Guild Wars 2 is live. This phase triggers at every 25% of Tequatl's health, occurring up to three times during the encounter. }); The groups upscale with the number of nearby players. When Tequatl returns after defending the megalaser, it will be shot by it and will become stunned for about 30 seconds and takes increased damage. displaySettingsLegend.append($('')); } Charged Quartz Crystal. Location: Sparkfly Fen World Boss: Tequatl the Sunless Reward: 5 Arenanet Points.jpg Description: Find the return (num < 10 ? $('.fullutc', $(x) ).text( ts.toDateString() + ' ' + ts.toLocaleTimeString('en-GB') ); The encounter transitions back to the primary phase once Defend the Megalaser and the batteries in the east, west, and north ends. return ['[data-id="achievement' + val.id + '"]', '[data-id*="achievement' + val.id + '-bit"]'].join(','); // Give users the option to delete their API key cookie // For each row store UNIX milliseconds since 1970 } // Determine states if visible Turret defense teams (including the turret gunners) should be around 10-15 people otherwise champion and elite mobs will spawn much more often. If not engaged and defeated, these enemies will destroy the turrets. Primary phase, where Tequatl is stationary and attacking the players. Tequatl rewards Tequatl the Sunless - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W . var xd = new Date(unix) v[2] : null The commander's tag will be the point for all players attacking Tequatl to rally at and stack on and the target for all turrets to fire skills 3, 4 and 5 at. localStorage.removeItem(apiKeyCookieName); It becomes stunned, taking 5 times more damage and does not attack for approximately 30 seconds. deleteCookie(apiKeyCookieName); This chest received a new loot table with the September 17, 2013 update, as part of the Tequatl Rising release. Shadow Behemoth , one of the first world bosses a player … var showAllRows = true; Earn new rewards not available elsewhere: Exclusive ascended weapon skins; Mini Tequatl the Sunless; Rare quality underwater breathers Track the Dragon if ( diff < (-1 * 15 * 60 * 1000) ){ }); The nearest waypoint (Splintered Coast Waypoint) is always contested during the event. displaySettingsLegend.append($('See API key documentation for help.')); The Shatterer. Show completed. var subtokenCookieName = widgetName + "Subtoken"; $('.countdown', $(x) ).text(countdownText(diff)); ... Fractals are a particular type of dungeon that can reward the players with really valuable gear and crafting components. // Check for previous cookies and if present get the value for use with localStorage. Mini Tequatl the Sunless; Super rare. function updateDiffAndSort(sortFlag) { Depending on instructions from commanders/leader, turret defense team are continuing to defend turrets or at Tequatl with the assault team. if ( showAllRows == false && diff > (60 * 60 * 1000) ){ relevantIds.push( parseInt(match.replace(idPrefix,''), 10) ); // Rearrange table into thead and tbody for ease of sorting, and store UNIX timestamps for next events Megalaser/battery defense phase, where Tequatl is in the air and players defend the Megalaser and three batteries for 2:00 minutes. Three of these groups will immediately charge the Hylek Turrets, while one of the groups will charge towards Tequatl. $('.countdown', $(x) ).text('...'); Achievement: I Found it! var token = $('.apikey', widgetRef).val(); // Latest time to count down from function padLeft(num) { Note: Please note that builds will default to … } Either way, as soon as Tequatl starts to recover, they should immediately head back to defend. var rows = $('#world_boss_table tbody tr').get(); (The times are 14:00, 12:30, 11:00, 9:30, 8:00, 6:30, 5:00, 3:30, 2:00, 0:30.) + (csselementids.length > 0 ? The most important parts of this whole event are keeping the turrets up and firing (and using the correct skills at the right targets) and everyone assaulting Tequatl stacking on the commander and reviving downed players in the stack. // INITIALISATION } If there are too many players attempting to use it, it may be better to make your way to the batteries on foot. However, Risen Grubs that spawn at the northern battery and Risen summoned by Risen Krait Hypnosses will all drop loot.
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