b. cries is coming     a. little too for Experts say this will not lead to a crisis, but the government wants people to pay more attention to how much food they leave on their plate. WHAT HAPPENED NEXT? Also, tell the others which is the worst of these (and why): Italian, Chinese or Lebanese. Comment on your partnerâs paper.     b. on their palette Most four-year universities offer meal plans while some two-year colleges do … He called the waste "shocking and distressing". Western countries throw out nearly half of their food, not because it’s inedible -- but because it doesn’t look appealing. nitrogen waste removal. President Xi Jinping wants people to reduce the amount of food wasted. This is where groups of diners must order one fewer dish than the number of people in the group. Nearly 40% of food in the United States is wasted. Experts say this will not lead to a crisis, but the government wants people to pay more attention to how much food they leave on their plate.     c. warts food crisis c) surprising and disgusting Change topics and partners frequently. I t _s c_l l_d t h_ " C l__ n P l_t_ C_m p__ g n " . You think Italian restaurants are best. Write about food-waste for 10 minutes. 5. 2. Give support, confidence, or hope to someone. c) cheaper food nseofcrisisaboutfoodsecurity".Manyrestaurantsaretakingthecampa Individual student handouts and lesson plans (with TEKS references) provided below in pdf. Have a chat about the topics you liked.     a. lead tour China is taking (1) _____________________ to cut down on food waste. d) shocking and distressing a) it told them to eat everything This is where groups of diners must (11) ____________________ dish than the number of people in the group. A restaurant in central China went a little too (10) _____________________ as it started weighing customers.     d. lead two a Role B â Italian Found out how heavy someone or something is, usually by using scales. 8) It had to apologise to diners who were offended ______     a. encourage people     a. crises is coming (Please look at page 12 of the PDF to see a photocopiable example of this activity. Did you all have similar things? (Sometimes more than one choice is possible.).     b. encourages people tedanewcampaigntoencouragepeopletothinkabouttheamountoffoo     c. about foods security VII. (...) distressing". President Xi said China had to "maintain a sense of crisis about food security". Tell them what is wrong with their restaurants. Lesson Summary Symbiosis describes close interactions between two or more different species.     c. ones fewer dish What can you say about these words and your life? a) N-1 Include imaginary interviews with people who are for and against this. "RestaurantsinWuhanhavestartedtheN-1system.Thisi sis,butthegovernmentwantspeopletopaymoreattentiontohowmuchf Other than in Northern Ireland, any references to EU Regulations in this section should be read as meaning retained EU law. It is called the "Clean Plate Campaign". b) M-one Food pantry workers wonder when will they be eligible to get the shot. 1.     d. one fewer dish c) Wuhan President Xi Jinping wants people to reduce / deduce the amount of food wasted. What will the article say about them? Some properties reported saving 3% or better in food costs. Your partner(s) will answer your questions. 3) What is coming to China, according to reports? It said: "We originally wanted customers to stop food waste and order food in a healthy (9) ____." It said: "We originally wanted customers to stop food waste and order food in / on a healthy way." a) advice Write a newspaper article about the next stage in this news story. Cause someone to remember someone or something. Who said there could be the worst food crisis in 50 years? President Xi Jinping wants people to (3) ____________________ of food wasted. swheregroupsofdinersmustorderonefewerdishthanthenumberofpe     a. about foodie security Before sharing sensitive information online, make sure you’re on a .gov or .mil site by inspecting your browser’s address (or “location”) bar. R_s t__ r_n t s _n W_h_n h_v_ s t_r t_d t h_ N - 1 s y s t_m . Give each other feedback on your articles. 4.     c. lead to a I t s__ d : " W_ _r_g_n_l l y w_n t_d c_s t_m_r s t_ s t_p f__ d w_s t_ _n d _r d_r f__ d _n _ h__ l t h y w_y . " A restaurant in the capital Beijing told the Global Times newspaper: "We remind our guests when they (13) _____________________ too much food." (...) Many restaurants are taking the campaign very seriously. "1,000 Ideas & Activities for Language Teachers". d) calories, 6) Who did the article say was taking the campaign seriously? E_r l__ r t h_s y__ r , t h_ U n_t_d N_t__ n s w_r n_d t h_t t h_ w_r l d c__ l d s__ _t s w_r s t f__ d c r_s_s _n 5 0 y__ r s . atbeingweighed.Itsaid:"Weoriginallywantedcustomerstostopfoodw What adjectives did President Xi use to describe food waste? (...) wants people to reduce the amount of food wasted. Together, put the words into different categories.     c. little too farm WORD SEARCH: Look in your dictionary / computer to find collocates, other meanings, information, synonyms ⦠for the words... • Share your findings with your partners. Use a dictionary or Google's search field (or another search engine) to build up more associations / collocations of each word. _____________________________________________________________________________. a) western China Basically anything that comes from plant or animals, including waste, can be used as biomass energy. (...) capital Beijing told the Global Times newspaper: "We remind our guests when they order too much food." Read what you wrote to your classmates in the next lesson. It had to apologise to diners who were offended at being weighed. It is called the "Clean Plate Campaign". T h_r_ _r_ m_n y r_p_r t s _n C h_n_ t h_t _ f__ d c r_s_s _s c_m_n g . 5) What did President Xi say China had to keep a sense of crisis about? Food production has decreased because of the coronavirus and because of floods in southern China. asteandorderfoodinahealthyway. A restaurant in central China went a little too far as it started weighing customers. oodtheyleaveontheirplate.PresidentXisaidChinahadto"maintainase b) fast food restaurants China is taking action to cut down on food waste. rtedweighingcustomers.Ithadtoapologisetodinerswhowereoffended china is taking action to cut down on food waste the government has started a new campaign to encourage people to think about the amount of food they waste it is called the clean plate campaign president xi jinping wants people to reduce the amount of food wasted he called the waste shocking and distressing there are many reports in china that a food crisis is coming food production has decreased because of the coronavirus and because of floods in southern china experts say this will not lead to a crisis but the government wants people to pay more attention to how much food they leave on their plate president xi said china had to maintain a sense of crisis about food security, many restaurants are taking the campaign very seriously a restaurant in central china went a little too far as it started weighing customers it had to apologise to diners who were offended at being weighed it said we originally wanted customers to stop food waste and order food in a healthy way a restaurant in the capital beijing told the global times newspaper we remind our guests when they order too much food restaurants in wuhan have started the n1 system this is where groups of diners must order one fewer dish than the number of people in the group earlier this year the united nations warned that the world could see its worst food crisis in 50 years. China's president said food waste was shocking. Restaurants in Wuhan have     c. discourage people Share your words with your partner(s) and talk about them. Did you like reading this article? 4) Where have there been floods? Were they new, interesting, worth learningâ¦? CRIME: Students A strongly believe wasting food should be made a crime; Students B strongly believe it shouldn't. Change partners again and talk about your conversations. The government has started a new campaign to encourage people to think about the (2) ____________________ they waste. 9) This is where groups of diners must order ______ A restaurant in central China went a little / small too far as it started weighing / weight customers. RESTAURANTS: Rank these with your partner. Give him/her three of your ideas. CRIME: Write a magazine article about food waste being made a crime. Check your answers. GAP FILL: In pairs / groups, compare your answers to this exercise. Food production has decreased because of the coronavirus and because of (4) ____ in southern China. Talk about the words from the activity. Complete this table with your partner(s).     a. at being weight INTERNET: Search the Internet and find out more about this news story. (a)    across    (b)    in    (c)    up    (d)    down   Â, (a)    on    (b)    at    (c)    for    (d)    of   Â, (a)    going    (b)    coming    (c)    eating    (d)    cooking   Â, (a)    flood    (b)    flooded    (c)    floods    (d)    floodlit   Â, (a)    say    (b)    lay    (c)    pay    (d)    way   Â, (a)    sense    (b)    time    (c)    panic    (d)    help   Â, (a)    series    (b)    seriously    (c)    seriousness    (d)    serious   Â, (a)    weighing    (b)    weighting    (c)    weigh    (d)    weights   Â, (a)    weigh    (b)    way    (c)    whey    (d)    wry   Â, (a)    remand    (b)    rewind    (c)    remind    (d)    remade   Â, (a)    cookers    (b)    eateries    (c)    diners    (d)    donors   Â, (a)    as    (b)    by    (c)    at    (d)    in. Should restaurants advise diners about food waste? China wants people to pay if they leave food on their plate. Earlier this year, the United Nations warned that the world could see its worst food crisis (12) ____ 50 years. a) shocking and disturbing b) food security Examples include: Animal manure, sewage, agricultural crops, food and yard waste, and wood. (...) people to think about the amount of food they waste. c) it weighed them 2) There are many reports in China that a food ______ c) plates With your partner, try to recall how they were used in the text: Write five GOOD questions about this topic in the table. A r_s t__ r_n t _n c_n t r_l C h_n_ w_n t _ l_t t l_ t__ f_r _s _t s t_r t_d w__ g h_n g c_s t_m_r s . The government has started a new campaign to encourage. dtheGlobalTimesnewspaper:"Weremindourguestswhentheyorderto 4. opleinthegroup.Earlierthisyear,theUnitedNationswarnedthatthewor     a. on their palate 8) Where is the restaurant that reminds its diners not to order too much? d) Shenzhen 3.     b. lead too a Gonads dtheywaste.Itiscalledthe"CleanPlateCampaign".PresidentXiJinping How "shocking and distressing" is food waste? d) northern China There are many reports in China that a food crisis is (3) ____. Wasting food should be made a crime. Lesson Summary. (...) Nations warned that the world could see its worst food crisis in 50 years. Role A â Chinese     b. worst food crisis a) President Xi c) chefs 1) The government has started a new campaign to ______ Tell the others three reasons why. The government has started a new campaign to encourage people to think about the amount (2) ____ food they waste. (...) started the N-1 system. Many restaurants are taking the (7) ____________________. President Xi said China had to "maintain a sense to / of crisis about food security". She played a 'Fairy Godmayo' who helped reuse the condiment with leftovers to reduce waste. How can we reduce this waste? (...) weighed. There are many reports in China that a food crisis is coming. © TED Conferences, LLC. All rights reserved. Food production has decreased because of the coronavirus and because of (5) _____________________ in southern China. Restaurants in Wuhan have started the N-1 system. A restaurant in central China started weighing its customers. wantspeopletoreducetheamountoffoodwasted.Hecalledthewaste"s VOCABULARY: Circle any words you do not understand. 1. It said: "We originally wanted customers to stop food waste and order food in a healthy way." English News Lessons: Free 27-Page lesson plan / 2-page mini-lesson - Food Waste - Handouts, online activities, speed reading, dictation, mp3... current events. H_ c_l l_d t h_ w_s t_ " s h_c k_n g _n d d_s t r_s s_n g " . Also, tell the others which is the worst of these (and why): Italian, Indian or Lebanese. The article said China is trying to cut in on food waste. Results were consistent throughout the program. translators. • Make questions using the words you found. A r_s t__ r_n t _n t h_ c_p_t_l B__ j_n g t_l d t h_ G l_b_l T_m_s n_w s p_p_r : " W_ r_m_n d __ r g__ s t s w h_n t h_y _r d_r t__ m_c h f__ d . " Try the same news story at these easier levels: Food Waste - Level 0, Food Waste - Level 1 or Food Waste - Level 2, Make sure you try all of the online activities for this reading and listening - There are dictations, multiple choice, drag and drop activities, crosswords, hangman, flash cards, matching activities and a whole lot more. You can also project them on your classroom whiteboard. Match the following synonyms from the article. b) diners a) Beijing Tell the others three reasons why. Restaurants in Wuhan have started the N-1 system.     b. very seriously Which of these words go in the above text? He called the waste "(4) ____________________". Please enjoy :-). These plans are for use by instructors with students of all ages. It had to apologise to diners who were offended at being weighed. Learn more about the The 39-year-old Trainwreck actress starred in a commercial for Hellmann's/Best Foods. He also saved money by reducing weekly garbage pickups by as much as 40%. It said: "(9) ____________________ customers to stop food waste and order food in a healthy way." P r_s_d_n t X_ J_n p_n g w_n t s p__ p l_ t_ r_d_c_ t h_ _m__ n t _f f__ d w_s t_d . Read the headline.     a. very serious He called the waste "shocking and distressing". ndbecauseoffloodsinsouthernChina.Expertssaythiswillnotleadtoacri A restaurant in the PLATE: Spend one minute writing down all of the different words you associate with the word "plate". TED.com translations are made possible by volunteer ), STUDENT Aâs QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B), STUDENT Bâs QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A). P r_s_d_n t X_ s__ d C h_n_ h_d t_ " m__ n t__ n _ s_n s_ _f c r_s_s _b__ t f__ d s_c_r_t y " . What questions would you like to ask Xi Jinping?     d. on their plate China is taking action to (1) ____________________ food waste. Many restaurants are taking the campaign very (7) ____. Many restaurants are taking the campaign very serious / seriously. T h_ g_v_r n m_n t h_s s t_r t_d _ n_w c_m p__ g n t_ _n c__ r_g_ p__ p l_ t_ t h_n k _b__ t t h_ _m__ n t _f f__ d t h_y w_s t_.     b. at being weighs (Please look at page 26 of the PDF to see a photocopiable example of this activity.). When you have finished, interview other students. Also, tell the others which is the worst of these (and why): Chinese, Indian or Lebanese. What is coming to China, according to reports? It said: "We originally wanted customers to stop food waste and order food in a healthy way." Restaurants in Wuhan have started the N-1 system. FOOD WASTE: Students walk around the class and talk to other students about food waste. Experts say this will not lead to a crisis, but the government wants people to (5) ____ more attention to how much food they leave on their plate. China is taking action to cut (1) ____ on food waste. A person who is eating, usually a customer in a restaurant. d) the UN. Experts say this will not lead to a (6) _____________________, but the government wants people to pay more attention to how much food they leave on their (7) _____________________. c) Enron WASTE: How do people waste these things? Restaurants in Wuhan have started the N-1 (14) _____________________. 5. You think Lebanese restaurants are best. Earlier this year, the United Nations warned that the world could see / look its worst food crisis in 50 years. A restaurant in the capital Beijing tell / told the Global Times newspaper: "We remind / remember our guests when they order too many / much food." It had to apologise to dinners / diners who were offended at being weighed. (...) far as it started weighing customers. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Many restaurants are taking the campaign very seriously. President Xi said China had to "maintain a (8) _____________________ of crisis about food security". a) restaurants What do you think of when you hear the word 'waste'? It is called the "Clean Plate Campaign". ARTICLE QUESTIONS: Look back at the article and write down some questions you would like to ask the class about the text. Should we all start growing our own food? new  campaign  to  people  to  think  .  encourage  A. production  Food  has  the  decreased  of  because  coronavirus  . a) a food crisis A restaurant (10) ____________________ Beijing told the Global Times newspaper: "We remind our guests when they order too much food." A restaurant in central China went a little too 1) What is China taking to cut down on food waste? What did a restaurant do to its customers that made them angry? Download free lesson plans and handouts from the TCEQ's publications for educators. How would you feel if a restaurant weighed you? Change partners often and share your rankings. action  down  on  cut  food  Taking  to  waste  .       restaurant / customer / apologise / healthy / newspaper / dish / United Nations Read your letter to your partner(s) in your next lesson. b) surprising and distressing     c. very series NOTE: Air and Waste Lesson Plans use TEKS as of 2020. Each student must write the questions on his / her own paper. F__ d p r_d_c t__ n h_s d_c r__ s_d b_c__ s_ _f t h_ c_r_n_v_r_s _n d b_c__ s_ _f f l__ d s _n s__ t h_r n C h_n_. Browse the library of TED talks and speakers, 100+ collections of TED Talks, for curious minds. It is thought that through the secretion of enzymes it assists in breaking down the food further and absorbs needed nutrients, yet the function of this organ is still not well understood. A time of intense difficulty, trouble, or danger. d) food manufacturers When a herbivore eats, only a fraction of the energy (that it gets from the plant food) becomes new body mass; the rest of the energy is lost as waste or used up by the herbivore to carry out its life processes (e.g., movement, digestion, reproduction). Open Translation Project. This is where groups of diners must order one (15) _____________________ dish than the number of people in the group. Federal government websites always use a .gov or .mil domain. Many restaurants are taking the campaign very (9) _____________________. T h_s _s w h_r_ g r__ p s _f d_n_r s m_s t _r d_r _n_ f_w_r d_s h t h_n t h_ n_m b_r _f p__ p l_ _n t h_ g r__ p . 4) wants people to pay more attention to how much food they leave ______ won't  a  lead  say  Experts  crisis  .  to  this, Maintain  sense  about  security  .  of  crisis  food  a, campaign  are  restaurants  very  Many  the  seriously  .  taking, weighed  .  to  diners  offended  at  Apologised  being, order  our  when  they  too  guests  much  .  Remind, diners  one  fewer  must  order  of  dish  .  Groups, food  world  The  worst  its  crisis  .  see  could. Experts say this will not lead to a There are many report / reports in China that a food crisis is coming. The government has started a new campaign to encourage people to think about the amount of food they waste. Share what you discover with your partner(s) in the next lesson.     d. little too far a) the weather What did President Xi say China had to keep a sense of crisis about? Over the course of the project, Calhoun saw a 50% reduction in food waste per guest. This is where groups of diners must order one fewer dish than / that the number of people in the group. There are many (4) _____________________ in China that a food crisis is coming. • Ask your partner / group your questions. Because producing food requires a lot of water and energy, it is not just the food that is wasted, but water and energy resources as well. c) rice paddies 7) What did a restaurant do to its customers that made them angry? hockinganddistressing".TherearemanyreportsinChinathatafoodcrisi 2. Write down any new words and expressions you hear from your partner(s).
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