It has been determined that the project can achieve EAc2 by purchasing a total amount of RECs equal to 100% of the system\'s annual rated energy output. The applicant is requesting whether deep-water Lake Source Cooling that replaces the refrigeration cycle for the campus central plant system may be used to claim credit for on-site renewable energy for the project under EA Credit 2: Renewable Energy Generation. Multiple campus properties must all be owned by the same owner. These CIRs seem to provide conflicting language. The intent of this LEED interpretation is to allow the one campus within a school district to serve as the on-site renewable systems location for other campuses.This request would allow districts to have renewable energy systems in one, or more, centralized areas, and would help optimize the cost and allocation of energy generated by such systems across multiple projects. Using renewable energy can reduce the use of fossil fuels, which are the largest sources of U.S. carbon dioxide emissions. The project teams approach of purchasing 10-year REC\'s for 100% of the power claimed on the Template, to restore the associated environmental benefit is acceptable. Renewable energy, usable energy derived from replenishable sources such as the Sun (solar energy), wind (wind power), rivers (hydroelectric power), hot springs (geothermal energy), tides (tidal power), and biomass (biofuels). 4. 84 likes. Depending on the technology, location, and scale of the facility, these impacts can include soil erosion or degradation, forest clearing, disturbance or loss of wildlife, air and/or water pollution, noise pollution, and impairment of scenic vistas. Optimize energy performance 7 / 10 ; EAc2 . The energy saving benefits of these types of systems may be applied to EAc1 calculations. Measurement and verification - tenant submetering 1 / 1 ; EAc6 . 3 The USGBC membership voted to adopt LEED® v4 on July 2, 2013. One campus may have suitable areas while another has no suitable areas. The installation of on-site renewable energy sources owned and operated by an entity other than the building owner is allowable for achievement of EAc2 and has been addressed by a previous CIR dated 7/19/2007, provided the following conditions are met: [1] The renewable energy system must be installed within the boundaries of the project or on the project site. The applicant should note that there are no previously approved calculators for the amount of energy offset by such a system and therefore, the applicant must provide detailed calculations, including all assumptions and applicable weather data, during the review process. Use on-site renewable energy systems to offset building energy costs. Spreadsheets and forms to give to subs and other team members. It does not use any vapor compression cycle and no water is wasted. Enhanced commissioning 1 / 1 ; EAc4 . Please confirm that a project pursuing EAc2 under LEED-NC v2.2 (or LEED-CSv2.0) can achieve EAc2 points by utilizing the 200% REC purchase methodology as outlined in the 2006 CIRs and 2009 BD&C Reference Guide, or the 100% REC purchase methodology outlined in the 2009 CIR. Evidence of ownership or a contract with the owner of the wood should be submitted as part of the LEED submittal. The energy generation of each separate renewable project location must be evaluated based on the renewable energy resources available at each specific location. We are also seeking clarification regarding the length of time for which RECs must be purchased. All LEED School Rating systems can use this interpretation, however, specific renewable energy requirements must be met for each different rating system version.6. For example, a 2009 UCS analysis found that a 25 percent by 2025 national renewable electricity standard would lower power plant CO2 emissions 277 million metric tons annually by 2025—the equivalent of the annual output from 70 typical (600 MW) new coal plants [ 4 ]. In an urban environment like where the project is located, there is little or no option to be able to refine and extract Biogas on-site or even very close to a site, so the approach the project team is suggesting is the best and most reasonable alternative.Is this approach acceptable in accordance with the Reference Guide and Addendum 100001081 (November 1, 2011)? The project REC\'s would be redeemed and solely retained by the individual Building Projects, and would not be shared for use on any other projects. Other EA credits may also relate to CHP [e.g., those that relate to Demand Response, Renewable Energy Production, ... (EAc1), and in LEED® v4 it is known as Energy & Atmosphere Credit 2 (EAc2). Because the project owner will install and maintain the equipment for the land fill gas extraction, and be the sole user of the gas, the renewable energy system falls under the LEED scope of the project and can effectively be considered "on-site." A possible list of restrictions is provided below for use by the USGBC in developing criteria for this multiple-campus request.1. Green power 1 / 1 ; Material & resources 6 of 13 MRc1.1 . Please log in using your personal profile: Remove the text from "The rationale for the 1-for-2 ratio..."through "This allows green building projects to capture the valueof RECs created by on-site renewable while reducing next, In the first bullet, change "200%" to "100%", so that it reads, "RECs equal to 100% of the system\'s...", Delete "Projects outside the U.S. may not use the, In the second line, insert "and thermal" after "electrical" so the text becomes "...biofuel-based electrical and thermal systems...", Following the last bulleted item, add the following text as a new paragraph:"To qualify as an eligible on-site system, the fuel source must meet one of the following conditions: the fuel source must be wholly contained/produced on-site; the project team must demonstrate full ownership of the fuel source, including ownership of all its environmental attributes; or, if the fuel source is not owned, and in cases where use of a substitute, non-renewable fuel is possible, projects must enter into a 2-year contract for purchase of the renewable fuel source, with an ongoing commitment to renew for a period of 10 years total. Measurement and verification 1 / 1 ; EAc6 . Combustion of municipal solid waste is excluded from eligibility of this credit. Each school district property claimed, either as a LEED project or renewables energy generation site, must be located in the same energy services utility district.4. The project team proposes to account for the renewable energy credit by calculating savings between the proposed case model with LSC system and a proposed case model with conventional refrigeration system that complies with the ASHRAE 90.1 code requirements. To overcome these challenges, local governments can: Contact Us to ask a question, provide feedback, or report a problem. Solar (photovoltaic, solar thermal) 2. Building A is a new 60,000 s.f., 3-story Office and Administration building, which is fed by one of the two metered electrical services tied directly to the solar array. Install on-site renewable energy systems such that the percentage of building’s annual regulated load energy cost produced by the renewable energy systems meets or exceeds the thresholds shown in the table below. Applicable Internationally. 2 The renewable energy system is connected immediately adjacent to the utility meter. Ecoenergy-labeled electricity products can qualify for EAc4 provided that equivalency with Green-e certification is demonstrated by the project team. Update April 15, 2011: Please note that all 2009 projects in multiple building situations must follow the 2010 Application Guide for Multiple Buildings and On-Campus Building Projects, located here: The LEED 2009 Reference Guide states "geothermal energy systems using deep-earth water or steam sources (but not vapor compression systems for heat transfer) may be eligible for this credit." There must be clear documentation for accounting purposes whether the purchase includes the RECs or just the landfill gas. Measurement and verification - base building 1 / 1 ; EAc5.2 . EAc1 and EAc2: 5 Points - Renewable Energy Production (kWh): 1,350,000 - % Regulated Load: 23% The wood, which the applicant claims would otherwise be diverted to a landfill or burned in piles, is collected from local municipals. 2. 4. Use the building annual energy cost calculated in EA Credit 1: Optimize Energy Performance or the U.S. Department of Energy’s Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey database to determine the estimated electricity use.The minimum renewable energy percentage for each point threshold is as follows: On each BD+C v4 credit, LEEDuser offers the wisdom of a team of architects, engineers, cost estimators, and LEED experts with hundreds of LEED projects between then. This ruling updates the previous ruling defining alternative conditions for projects to qualify for EAc2 renewable energy credits. C. If the purchase does not include the RECs, the building owner or energy system owner must make the 200% offset REC purchase described in the first portion of the CIR for at least 10 years. Renewable energies are sources of clean, inexhaustible and increasingly competitive energy.They differ from fossil fuels principally in their diversity, abundance and potential for use anywhere on the planet, but above all in that they produce neither greenhouse gases – which cause climate change – nor polluting emissions. - A CIR dated April 15, 2009 rules that a project that hosts a PV system, which does not use the PV and/or the PV is fully financed, owned and sold to third parties, can achieve EAc2 by purchasing a total amount of RECs equal to 100% of the system\'s annual rated energy output. In conclusion, we believe the masonry heater should be credited for this project because its fuel is renewable & low in embodied energy, its particulate emissions are lower than the oil boilers, and its use is carefully measured & managed. In addition, firewood may be cut on nearby designated, managed State land areas after a permit is obtained: Plentiful, regulated forest land areas near this site make firewood a renewable, local energy source which will be available for the life of the building. It benefits the environment by lowering fossil fuel consumption and carbon footprint. Per the v2.1 Reference Guide (pages 155 and 157) these types of systems do not qualify for points under this category because they do not generate energy. Planning for a home renewable energy system is a process that includes analyzing your existing electricity use (and considering energy efficiency measures to reduce it), looking at local codes and requirements, deciding if you want to operate your system on or off of the electric grid, and understanding technology options you have for your site. This will create an overall renewable energy generation value that can then be distributed to separate projects. - An administrative ruling dated 7/19/2007, which updates conditions for on-site renewable systems to achieve EAc2 points, does not make reference to the purchase of 200% RECs as an acceptable method of credit achievement. 4 The RECs associated with the renewable energy system are not sold. The project is seeking clarification that the firewood supplied by the land owner as well as wood harvested from a neighboring state forest can be considered as renewable source for EAc2. Remaining heat is provided by an oil-fired hydronic system, supplemented by solar thermal collectors. Note that LEED Interpretations #2591 and #5332 both require that the project team own the wood source, so this ruling is considered to be less stringent than previous LEED Interpretations regarding this issue. Renewable energy can play an important role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. ), Question: Are perforated metal wall solar air heating systems eligible for credit under LEED CS EAc2?" Thus, both projects can pursue EAc2, provided a previously undedicated share of renewable energy generated is allocated to each building project. LEED Fellow. Confirmation of Credit Intent: We believe this approach does meet the intent of the credit providing renewable energy self-supply in order to reduce the environmental effects of fossil fuel consumption (aka global warming)while providing the developer with very needed LEED points in order to achieve LEED Silver for its Building A project. [4] The Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) associated with the renewable energy system may not be sold. Even seasoned professionals can miss a critical detail and lose a credit or even a prerequisite at the last minute. LEEDuser’s checklists walk you through the key action steps you need to earn a credit, including how to avoid common pitfalls and save money. All checklists organized by project phase. EAc1 and EAc2: 3 Points - Renewable Energy Production (kWh): 750,000 - % Regulated Load: 13% As mentioned previously, the motivation of SDG&E will be to grid-tie this renewable energy to assist them in achieving the 20% portfolio threshold. Fossil fuels currently supply 80% of energy needs in US. Measurement and verification 0 / 1 ; EAc6 . The energy generation generation of each separate renewable systems location can be aggregated together. We are working on a LEED CS project where the investor will sell the energy produced on-site by photovoltaic systems to the tenants in the project building, according to internal fees at a premium rate compared to the market rate of non-renewable energy (though a typical rate for local renewable energy). The CIR Ruling dated 7/20/2009 (#2616), states that if the project sold renewable energy certificates associated with the on-site renewable energy system, the team may not take credit for the system under EAc2, since the system would have no associated environmental benefit. Under the LEED Application Guide for Multiple Buildings and On-Campus Building Projects ( it states: In the case where the renewable energy equipment is not physically located on the applicant building(s), provide data for each building showing the projected energy consumption and the percentage to be met with their prorated or dedicated share of renewable energy. Applicable internationally. Enhanced commissioning 1 / 1 ; EAc4 . Our Client has obtained permission from the landfill to tap into this energy source. Renewable energy sources are constantly being replenished. We are requesting approval of this masonry heater as a renewable heat source for both EA-1x Energy Optimization and EA-2.3 Renewable Energy on the following grounds: The masonry heater serves as an element of research, training and demonstration for clean and renewable wood heat. The standard \'Envirotech\' masonry heater core ( ) has been tested for particulate emissions by Myren Consulting, Inc., an accredited third party testing agency. Geothermal 5. Environmental and economic benefits of using renewable energy include: On-site power generation provides local governments with the most direct access to renewable energy. Renewable energy technologies are those that generate electricity from resources that are not depleted as a consequence of being accessed. Renewable energy could render five of Australia’s remaining coal plants unviable by 2025. The perforated metal wall solar air heating system described is considered an active system and therefore can contribute toward EA Credit 2. The benefit should be extended to K-12 school districts.Although this LEED interpretation is written based on K-12 schools the USGBC may wish to extend this allowance to other LEED project types.For such an allowance to meet the intent of LEED we believe several restrictions should be applied to avoid issues related to owners of multiple properties that the USGBC might be concerned with. Yes, the system described meets the requirements needed to achieve credit under EAc2, despite the fact that the source of the energy (here, the landfill gas) is not directly on site. Also, note that NREL refers to directed biogas as off-site renewable energy. ON-SITE RENEWABLE ENERGY (EA CREDIT 2)MULTIPLE CAMPUS SPECIAL ALLOWANCE FOR K-12 SCHOOL DISTRICTSThe following request is intended to allow K-12 school districts with multiple campuses and multiple LEED projects, to optimize the design, installation and cost of on-site renewable energy systems.It is very difficult for older school districts to find sufficient suitable land, parking areas, and structurally adequate building rooftops, on campuses in urban areas, for the installation of renewable energy systems. 3) Because the landfill is on municipal property, but the gas extraction system will be privately owned by the project owner, a clear chain of custody for rights to the gas and the associated Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) needs to be documented. Large corporations and large universities are allowed to located centralized renewable energy systems to serve multiple LEED projects that can separated far from each other. We propose that individual LEED Building Projects apply for EAC2 using the existing onsite PV renewable source, and buy 10-year REC\'s for 100% of the power claimed on the Template, as qualifying on-site renewable energy. Can a third party such as a utility company install and operate a Solar PV system on the rooftop of a LEED project, and can the owner achieve EA c2 credit (1%) and possibly an exemplary performance credit (5%) for Core and Shell V2.0 rating system?
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