classification of waste pdf

%���� SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION 2 1.1 Background 2 1.2 Structure of these standards 2 SECTION 2 CLASSIFYING WASTES 4 2.1 Differentiating non -liquid and liquid wastes 4 2.2 Classifications of non -liquid and liquid wastes 4 2.3 Classifying and assessing liquid wastes 8 2.4 Classifying and assessing non -liquid … Liquid wastes: 8 0 obj <> These include urban wastes, industrial wastes, agricultural wastes, biomedical wastes and radioactive wastes. 1.Segregation of wastes at source. EPA PUBLICATION 448 CLASSIFICATION OF WASTES 3 2.2 Solid inert waste Solid inert waste is defined in the Industrial waste management policy (Prescribed industrial waste) as ‘hard waste which has negligible activity or effect on Interferences Tests must be performed at … The number of classification systems identified and reviewed for each jurisdiction within this study are summarised in . Category 1 regulated waste (highest risk) 2. Schedule 9 of the EP Regulationprovides a list of regulated wastes and their default category, wastes that are not regu… endobj 1 $.' <> The term refuse is also used for solid waste. Instead of every waste generator performing a separate waste classification for these common hazardous waste streams, it was proposed that a generic classification for these streams be developed within certain constraints. Part 1 of the Waste Classification Guidelines (PDF 599KB) explains six basic steps for classifying your waste. (���H�=� ';��'�^�������LK'�� Or��9��`�@���,кqߔ/��]F�����jop�L-���FѨ�{/BP�+$k�2�=�jB���ұri߽֑�6�L��y�&7'�'��F��ly�癝�E�dlG-�����a��fT�S���M��f墬�|��墂�?Z�to��?稹�$?������Q2��Y9��2���K� <> <>>> (1) Wastes listed in Annexure 1 of these Regulations do not require classification in terms of SANS 10234. Overview . Liquid waste is commonly found both in households as well as in industries. To undertake the waste classification, you have to calculate the compound concentration before undertaking the calculations defined in WM3. Waste code The Classification for contaminated soil (publication 878) explains the requirements of the classification for waste generators, transporters and facilities that receive soils contaminated with organic compounds. 1 0 obj This amendment introduced a new risk-based waste classification framework and regulated waste will now be classified as either: 1. endobj <> 5 0 obj ",#(7),01444'9=82. endobj Landfill class Common name Waste types permitted for disposal . Where the use of a waste as a resource has been demonstrated to have benefits through sustainable use and negligible environmental risks, consideration may be given to developing an EOW code. endobj Similar waste generated in the service sector and in some … It includes a number of schemes for classifying radioactive waste that can be used to assist with planning overall national approaches to radioactive waste management and to assist with operational management at facilities. EOW codes are outcome-focused. Broadly, waste can be classified as urban waste, industrial waste, biomass waste and biomedical waste. stream The Environmental Protection (Regulated Waste) Amendment Regulation 2018 commenced on 4 February 2019. stream %PDF-1.5 A - Waste Classification: Identifying the specific hazardous properties, characteristics and components of waste in terms of SANS 10234, and assigning a corresponding hazard class and category to the waste … 10 0 obj Not-regulated waste / general waste (lowest risk). 3 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/Pattern<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 842.04] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> This will enable selection of the correct code. Correct classification is the foundation for ensuring that the collection, transportation, storage and treatment of waste is carried out in a manner that provides protection for the environment and human health and in compliance with legal requirements. endobj Waste classification is based on: 1. This would allow the industry and/or generator of the waste to concentrate resources on their industry specific waste streams. All the members of the household must be informed how to segregate wastes into compostable, non-recyclable, recyclable and special or hazardous waste. Waste definition and classification systems are used by a range of stakeholders and for a variety of purposes across Australia, including in relation to the management and regulation of different waste materials, and the collection and reporting of information about waste and In Spain, the legal classification for waste is defined in Spanish Law 22/2011, of the 28 th of July, on Waste and Contaminated Soil and describes waste as the following: “Domestic Waste”: Household-generated waste as a result of domestic activities. Waste management is a pervasive problem in today’s world and is rising continuously with rise in urbanization. � The classification was published in Government Gazette No. Waste classification assessment protocol 4 Table 1: Waste classification criteria – mirror codes Table 1 provides the criteria for wastes identified as mirror codes in Schedule 5 of the Regulations. WASTE CLASSIFICATION Waste Classification 4. �������Ik��p�����������M6]-�9e5/Y*͒ŕ�ʀ��:�:�V_xO�}�K�ʹ[�2�~ ����k��@�RU��=�3���0\����r\N@/�v[�6���;�����4�$x��4� �'�������c^�}Iۈ\��ir�A� �i2e.�^�zQe��Vw�~m�wp��;��Qy�H�$ 3 0 obj Although criteria set out in this bulletin have been determined for soil, they may be applicable to the classification of other solid waste material on an ‘as needs basis’ (see section 2.2.3).

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