babergh proposals map

Be in accordance with the spatial distribution as set out in JLP Part 1; Provide adequate servicing, access and off-road parking for its type, mix, use and location; Not have a detrimental impact upon the highway network; Be sensitive to the surroundings, including any residential and other amenity, landscape and heritage assets; and. 13.12 All proposals are advised to have regard to any existing Supplementary Planning documents or guidance endorsed by the Local Planning Authority on good quality design principles and standards. This is in addition to criterion 1.c in accordance with recommendation from Anglian Water. Demonstrates high-quality design by having regard to the relevant policies of the Joint Local Plan. This allows for those groupings that do not fall within the C4 HMO definition, but which fell within the previous C3 use class, to be provided for i.e. Policy LP30 - Safe, Sustainable and Active Transport. 15.72 Appropriate Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) can also contribute to water quality through filtration. It also states that local planning authorities should take a proactive, positive and collaborative approach to meeting this requirement, giving great weight to the need to create, expand or alter schools. The policy seeks to retain employment use on existing employment premises, but also enable other commercial uses, such as small scale retail, services and other facilities. The Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015 requires the authorities to keep a register of individuals and associations of individuals who are seeking to acquire serviced plots of land in the authority's area in order to build houses for those individuals to occupy as homes. The Development Plan comprises any Development Plan Documents that have been adopted in relation to the area. This includes such persons who on the grounds of their own or their family's or dependants' more localised pattern of trading, educational or health needs or old age have ceased to travel temporarily, but excludes Gypsies and Travellers as defined above.'. A4 Drinking establishments – Public houses, wine bars or other drinking establishments (but not night clubs). Policy LP17 - Biodiversity. The Housing Market Area is an area which is reasonably self-contained in relation to migration (housing moves) and commuting. 16.03 Neighbourhood Plans can designate Local Green Spaces in accordance with the criteria set out in paragraphs 99 to 101 of the National Planning Policy Framework. In cases where the cumulative impact of schemes on strategic infrastructure could prevent schemes being developed, a coordinated approach will be used to pool resources to address requirements and where this cannot be achieved the policy of restriction shall apply. 13.15 No reasonable alternative policy has been identified at this stage, as the policy is a reasonable and proportionate to meeting needs. 14.12 However, in some circumstances the loss of employment land and premises may be justified, and the Council will seek to ensure that where such losses occur that alternative provision is enabled in the interests of local employment sustainability. Viability is built into the preferred policy to enable flexibility in exceptional circumstances. 15.02 Land and air pollution are subject to regulatory controls under Environmental Health Legislation including the Environmental Protection Act 1990, Pollution Prevention Act 1999 and the Environment Act 1995. A map of the area is provided in the document. Furthermore, in dealing with such applications (regardless of its size) paragraph 86 and 87 of the NPPF states that Local Planning Authorities should apply a sequential test to focus main town centre uses in town centres, then in edge of centre locations and only if suitable sites are not available (or expected to become available within a reasonable period) should out of centre sites be considered. 13.57 No alternative options are put forward at this stage, as the policy proposes a reasonable and proportionate approach to meeting the needs of Gypsy and Travellers. The Babergh and Mid Suffolk Joint Town Centre and Retail Study (2015) suggests that a threshold of 400m2 is appropriate to require a retail impact assessment, to demonstrate that to the Councils that development outside of town centre boundaries would not impact on the vitality and viability of nearby centres. 13.11 Dwellings can be adaptable to meet the changing requirements of occupiers. Where secondary legislation has the effect of limiting a household's eligibility to purchase a starter home to those with a particular maximum level of household income, those restrictions should be used. Heritage assets are defined by the NPPF as "a building, monument, site, place, area or landscape identified as having a degree of significance meriting consideration in planning decisions, because of its heritage interest. This includes land around identified employment sites that may be required and is most logically used for employment purposes beyond this plan period. Policy LP21 – Change in Land Use for Equestrian or Other Animal/Rural Land Base Uses. Good quality design that maintains and enhances the character and appearance of existing buildings, street scene and surrounding context. [1] For Local Plan purposes small clusters of dwellings are defined as a nucleus of at least ten dwellings adjacent to or fronting an existing adopted highway with no settlement boundary. Proposals should re-use existing buildings first where appropriate and any new buildings should be located in or adjacent to an existing group of buildings to have minimal impact within the landscape; There must be no significant detriment to amenity in terms of noise, odour, light or any other forms of pollution and disturbance; The proposal must be able to include satisfactory scheme for the disposal of waste (if appropriate); The proposal must be able to integrate with existing features and respect and enhance the character of the surrounding landscape/area; The proposal must not adversely affect or damage any significant trees and hedgerows that contribute to the environmental quality and visual amenity benefits of the rural location; The proposal must not create significant detriment to biodiversity, geodiversity or the interlinked surroundings; The proposal should not result in the irreversible loss of best and most versatile agricultural land or productive agricultural land and it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority that there are no suitable alternative sites on lower grade land. The term Objectively Assessed Need (OAN) relates to the need for housing. 984 for Babergh and 1288 for Mid Suffolk is to be for affordable rent / social rent, and 506 for Babergh and 583 for Mid Suffolk is to be for shared ownership and 496 for Babergh and 430 for Mid Suffolk is to be for discounted home ownership/starter homes. Policy LP16 - Environmental Protection. Policy background and explanation 13.01 Sustainable development is at the heart of planning. They are a non-statutory designation, with protection afforded through the planning system and via approaches to land management. An assessment of potential effects arising through the production of the Joint Local Plan is undertaken through carrying out a Habitats Regulations Assessment. (30) In the central parts of the district, the Commission had proposed a Hadleigh ward to be represented by three councillors. The Town Centres are defined areas which are characterised by offering a range of main town centre uses, which include retail, leisure, cultural and office uses. (20) it's location, links to transport networks and general setting; advertising methods – particulars should be set out in a bespoke, well-designed brochure with professional photos. In relation to flood risk, in instances where the sequential test has been followed but it is not possible to locate development in an area of lower flood risk, the Exception Test may be applied. Plots and pitches in use (vacant): Refers to the pitches / plots in use at the time and then vacant column for those vacant at the time. Geodiversity is defined by the NPPF as the range of rocks, minerals, fossils and landforms. All new development must be of high-quality design, with a clear vision as to the positive contribution the development will make to its context. A1 Shops – Shops, retail warehouses, hairdressers, undertakers, travel and ticket agencies, post offices, pet shops, sandwich bars, showrooms, domestic hire shops, dry cleaners, funeral directors and internet cafes. Basildon District Local Plan 1998 - Proposals Map [4.24MB] Basildon District Local Plan 1998 - Town Centre Inset Maps [1.68MB] Basildon District Local Plan 1998 - Conservation Area Maps [786.83KB] IMPORTANT Please note - care should be taken when using the following Proposals Maps and Inset Maps, as some policies and their corresponding land allocations or … There must not be any increase in the number of dwellings on the site. The Open Space Assessment (2019) provides new evidence to discount this option. Adequate levels of amenity with reasonable access to light, privacy, free from unacceptable noise, odour, smoke, dust, light or any other pollutants. Further local requirements regarding the link between spacing standards, design and amenity can be found in Policy - Design & Residential Amenity. The location of development is a critical determinant on its sustainability and has a significant effect on the extent to which it contributes socially, economically and environmentally. (17) 13.53 The following data shows existing Gypsy and Traveller data since 2016, which includes Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople. As appropriate to the scale and nature of the development, proposals must: Respond to and safeguard the existing character/context; Include high quality design and architecture; Be designed for health, amenity, well-being and safety; and. 15.55 In addition, dwellings built to adapt to and accommodate the needs of the occupier over their lifetime can facilitate choice, help meet the needs of an ageing population and improve quality of life. Building for Life is a Government-endorsed tool for assessing the design quality of neighbourhoods and homes, and the latest version is Building for Life 12. The IDP highlights that in order to accommodate planned growth, school extensions and new schools will be required. Whilst Building Regulations approval is separate to planning permission, planning policies can require certain 'optional' (higher specification) Building Regulations to be applied. 2 (2006), Babergh Local Plan 2011 – 2031 - Core Strategy and Policies (2014), Any 'made' Neighbourhood Plans (currently East Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan (2016), Lavenham Neighbourhood Plan (July 2016) and Lawshall Neighbourhood Plan (2017)), Mid Suffolk Local Plan (1998) (saved policies only), First Alteration to the Mid Suffolk Local Plan (July 2006), Mid Suffolk Core Strategy Development Plan Document (2008), Mid Suffolk Core Strategy Focused Review (2012). 16.04 However, it is not the intention of the policy to stifle change or growth, particularly where such change is in the interests of the space or the users of the space. Applications which would have a significant adverse impact on the vitality and viability of nearby centres will not be supported. No introduction or major extension of existing or associated land-based sailing facilities, including moorings and jetties will be permitted on the Stour and Orwell Estuaries. Outside this area, the mooring of houseboats will not be permitted. The Employment Land Needs Assessment (ELNA) was commissioned by Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils along with Ipswich Borough Council, Suffolk Coastal District Council and Waveney District Council to define the Functional Economic Area and identify the qualitative and quantitative need for employment land across the Districts. 15.29 No alternatives are put forward at this stage, as the policy approach is in conformity with the NPPF and is relevant to local circumstances. Particular care will be exercised in sensitive locations such as conservation areas and the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and any other designated land. [15] Applicable for residential development as set out in the Government's Technical Housing Standards – Nationally Described Space Standards (as amended). 15.37 The National Planning Policy Framework is clear economic diversification and a high-quality environment have to be pursued together. This must be undertaken at a realistic asking price, on a range of terms and in an appropriate format. The Housing Delivery Test was introduced in November 2018 with the first results published in February 2019. Planning policies should identify opportunities for villages to grow and thrive, especially where this will support local services. These may not be of sufficient quality to be designated as a heritage asset but are important in reinforcing a sense of local identify. 15.21 No alternative options are put forward at this stage, as the policy approach is appropriate to securing biodiversity protection. Where necessary, the Council will utilise planning obligations to help to mitigate any adverse impacts of an educational development and assist in delivering development that has a positive impact on the community. Designed and sited to respect, maintain and enhance landscape characteristics. Equally any proposal must not detrimentally affect neighbouring amenity, proposals must be compatible with the protection of the countryside with regard to landscape, ecology, biodiversity, natural resources and intrinsic recreational value. The approach for the marketing campaign must be agreed by the Development Management case officer from the outset; The supply, availability and variety of employment land is sufficient to meet both overall District as well as localised needs; The proposal would not give rise to amenity conflicts with existing or proposed employment uses/activities in the vicinity of the site; That there would be an overriding environmental or community benefit from redevelopment or change to another business or community use, which outweighs the benefit of the current employment use continuing; and. They are commonly known as Section 106 agreements. The Joint Local Plan provides a framework to promote high quality, well designed developments, and good quality housing. Both of which are mutually dependant and supportive and are the essence in achieving sustainable development. It is the key piece of national planning policy and is supported by guidance in the form of the Planning Practice Guidance. This is known as 'enabling development' and should only be carried out as a last resort in line with the guidance produced by Historic England. The Local Plan seeks to support proposals which are appropriate in scale, design and location. The applicant will be required to demonstrate by way of adequate site investigation information, prepared by a competent person, that there is no unacceptable risk to health, or the environment and where unacceptable contamination is found there will be a requirement for mitigation/remediation/verification, as agreed with the Councils. 13.48 Gypsies and Travellers are defined for planning purposes within the Planning Policy for Travellers Sites (2015) as: 'Persons of nomadic habit of life whatever their race or origin, including such persons who on grounds only of their own or their family's or dependants' educational or health needs or old age have ceased to travel temporarily, but excluding members of an organised group of travelling showpeople or circus people travelling together as such. Hadleigh, about 10 miles (16 km) west of Ipswich, is the administrative centre. This could result in buildings previously used as community facilities being left vacant for a prolonged period of time. In addition to the older population predicted to rise it is also expected a growing number of households to include one or more persons with a disability and more households with people living with long-term health conditions. 15.71 It is essential that new development does not have a detrimental impact on water quality in Babergh and Mid Suffolk and, where possible and necessary, development should contribute to water quality enhancements. (There is no difference between actual and observed pitches in Babergh or Mid Suffolk). Conditions or planning obligations, as part of a package or combination of infrastructure delivery measures, will be required for relevant proposals. 15.24 Other areas of landscape which are not designated are also attractive and important, each with its own characteristic and sense of place. or 2).Create a user defined location by clicking on the map. green roofs, hedgehog friendly fencing, bird, insect and/or bat boxes) relevant to local conservation priorities. C3(b): up to six people living together as a single household and receiving care e.g. Areas with uninterrupted panoramic views of surrounding landscapes and numerous landmarks such as field patterns with associated hedges, woodlands and copse of trees. In determining whether persons are 'gypsies and travellers' for the purposes of this planning policy, consideration should be given to the following issues amongst other relevant matters: a) whether they previously led a nomadic habit of life, b) the reasons for ceasing their nomadic habit of life, c) whether there is an intention of living a nomadic habit of life in the future, and if so, how soon and in what circumstances.'. The Councils shall resist the loss of identified employment sites, as well as other land and premises in lawful employment/commercial use. Land ownership limitations are not a reason to justify selection above other sustainability criteria; The site shall not dominate the nearest settled community; The site is well related to local services and facilities (particularly medical services and schools), preferably by means other than the private car; The site is designed with regard to established design guidance documents and best practice; Any employment use on the site is compatible with residential and local amenity; Conditions will normally be applied to limit the number of pitches/plots on the site, or to safeguard occupancy by the Gypsy/Traveller community. Policy LP33 - Developer Contributions and Planning Obligations. If there is reasonable expectation of adjoining land coming forward for housing development, it will take account of the whole contiguous site area when calculating what affordable housing is required. Through the Joint Local Plan the Councils have the opportunity to set out what constitutes a custom build house for the purposes of planning. Permitted Development Rights will be removed. 13.43 The evidence and information within the strategic Housing Needs & Requirements Policy provides the local affordable housing need calculations setting out the mix and composition within the Babergh and Mid Suffolk Districts. The business does not involve significant noise, dust, fumes or other emissions, outdoor storage or frequent delivery/collection (more than twice daily) which could adversely affect local amenity. The Ipswich Economic Area Sector Needs Assessment (SNA) (2017) highlighted that Babergh has a high amount of rural employment and diverse commercial property needs across the Districts. Development proposals must consider all of the infrastructure implications of a scheme including existing commitments to infrastructure provision and cumulative impacts if the proposal forms one of a number of growth projects in a locality and or infrastructure catchment area. Applicants are required to mitigate the additional impacts their development will place on infrastructure. It places a duty on local planning authorities to co-operate with other specified bodies in relation to strategic matters. 13.42 The Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) – Part 1 and 2 (May 2017) and subsequent SHMA (2014-based Local Housing Need) evidence base updated data January 2019 is a joint evidence base document between Babergh DC, Mid Suffolk DC, Suffolk Coastal DC, Waveney DC (now East Suffolk) and Ipswich BC that (amongst other matters) provides the evidence to justify the need and requirement for affordable housing. The original dwelling must have a lawful permanent residential use and be capable of residential occupation in its current condition and form before any acceptable approved alteration. All developments must also demonstrate that they conform with the design principles in any design documents endorsed by the LPA, Neighbourhood Plans and/or village design statements. Babergh District Council Place Maps and Policies; Mid Suffolk District Council Place Maps and Policies; Previous Chapter | | Next Chapter >> 08 - Settlement Hierarchy. C4 Houses in multiple occupati–n - small shared houses occupied by between three and six unrelated individuals, as their only or main residence, who share basic amenities such as a kitchen or bathroom. Proposals of any scale will need to demonstrate an appropriate mix which links to identified local needs, with such needs perhaps identified via a local survey. It includes shared ownership, relevant equity loans, other low cost homes for sale (at a price equivalent to at least 20% below local market value) and rent to buy (which includes a period of intermediate rent). Special Areas of Conservation are habitats protected under the Habitats Directive (Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora). In order to achieve this development proposals shall: Respond to the wider townscape/landscapes and safeguarding natural and built features of merit; Be compatible/harmonious with its location and appropriate in terms of scale, mass, form, siting, design, materials, texture and colour in relation to the surrounding area; Protect and retain important natural features such as trees or hedgerows during and post construction; Create/reinforce a strong design to the public realm incorporating visual signatures (e.g. [18] As considered by the relevant Highway Authority. In terms of pollution, or have a significantly detrimental impact on the surrounding area, biodiversity value, character and appearance to the location within the Suffolk Coast and Heaths Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty; All new houseboat proposals will need to demonstrate appropriate measures to ensure that there is no risk of deterioration in Water Framework Directive (WFD) status for the River Stour and Orwell, the vessel is completely river-worthy (capable of floating and being moved). 13.50 Mid Suffolk is one of the largest districts in England covering 87,107 hectares (335 square miles), the majority of the population live in villages and rural areas. 13.29 All housing proposals must help contribute to a range of dwelling types and bedroom spaces to meet the requirements of different households as identified through evidence within the Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) (May 2017 and January 2019 update). The Councils' Joint Strategic Plan was produced in 2013/14 and refreshed in 2016. 15.58 The National Policy Framework (NPPF) proposes that "the planning system should support the transition to a low carbon future in a changing climate. But, this is not an exhaustive list of circumstances and does not mean exceptional circumstances are always acceptable in all other planning terms when assessed as a comprehensive balanced proposal. A2 Financial and professional services – Financial services such as banks and building societies, professional services (other than health and medical services) and including estate and employment agencies. For example, removing permitted development rights to insert new windows and erect additional outbuildings to protect the amenities of neighbouring occupiers. 13.18 Proposals to extend residential curtilage of an existing dwelling onto agricultural land or other uses of land in the countryside for an enlarged garden, amenity land or other use is considered under policy on Change in use of land. Depending on the outcome there are 3 key thresholds and consequences: - <95% = required to produce an action plan within 6 months; - <85% = 20% buffer required for 5-year housing land supply; - <75% = presumption in favour of sustainable development in accordance with the relevant paragraphs of the NPPF. (53) This includes the 'sequential test'; where needed the 'exception test' and also a site specific flood risk assessment. Policy LP24 - Design and Residential Amenity. Applications within an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) and all major planning applications, may be required to submit an air quality impact assessment to assess and quantify the impact on local air quality and to identify appropriate mitigation measures to ensure that development is acceptable on the grounds of air quality. The Councils will respond positively to and support appropriate and well-designed applications regarding the creation of new health and/or education facilities, and extensions to existing facilities (C2/D1 Class Uses). Executive Summary 1. Map; List; UK; Suffolk; Babergh; Highest price; Lowest price; Most recent; Most recent. C3 Dwellinghouses – this class is formed of 3 parts: C3(a) covers use by a single person or a family (a couple whether married or not, a person related to one another with members of the family of one of the couple to be treated as members of the family of the other), an employer and certain domestic employees (such as an au pair, nanny, nurse, governess, servant, chauffeur, gardener, secretary and personal assistant), a carer and the person receiving the care and a foster parent and foster child. All developments are to maximise the uptake in sustainable and active transport a transport hierarchy must be considered. These spaces can contribute towards healthy communities. 15.22 The landscape and the historic environment have a strong inter-relationship, as the character of the landscape is influenced by historic assets and their settings, as well as traditional villages and historic townscapes. The intention of the strategy is to avoid adverse effects on the integrity of the Habitats Sites in combination with other plans and projects, over the lifetime of the Local Plan. Evidence to demonstrate that a service or facility is not viable, either in its current or future form should be agreed with the Council in advance (before being gathered) and should include: A sustained marketing period of 12 months, undertaken at a realistic asking price and on a range of terms and in an appropriate format by an independent qualified assessor; and. The Council will not permit any proposal that creates artificial or contrived subdivision of a site to circumvent affordable housing. For example, removing permitted development rights to insert new windows to protect the amenities of neighbouring occupiers. 16.21 Planning obligations are legally binding agreements entered into between a Local Planning Authority and a developer, which are intended to make development acceptable that would otherwise be unacceptable. 15.15 To create, protect and enhance ecological networks, the NPPF advises that biodiversity should be conserved and enhanced at a landscape-scale. Is the broad location proposal over the relevant thresholds for the application of affordable housing policy? 13.56 Proposals for new sites for Gypsies and Travellers or Travelling Showpeople would be considered under all relevant environmental policies, including Policy on Biodiversity, (10) 14.10 It is about a balance between ensuring there is sufficient choice in the employment land and premises market over the long term and being proportionate in the type and level of evidence required to support a change of use of small premises.

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