Not because of the kids, but because I know that there’s not a change that I’d be getting that chocolate dessert later if I didn’t. Food waste or food loss is food that is not eaten. ♥, When people are hungry, God didn't say, "Now is that political, or social?" Save Water Outside. If you think about water you will realize how important it is. It’s as easy as finishing your plate. Although charities such as FoodCycle and FareShare can use surplus food rather than let it go to waste, not all supermarkets support redistribution and through over-ordering, or suddenly stopping product lines, allow too much stock to spoil. There are environmental, ethical and economic reasons why food matters. Everybody Benefits seizures. by the year 2050. Causes of Food Loss and Food Waste in Developed Countries: Farmers produce excess food out of anticipation of poor weather or pest attacks. We buy more than we need from the grocery store, “just in case” and end up throwing it away. Food production has its problems, but we all have to eat. Every little bit matters and a whole lot of people doing a little thing add up to a whole big thing. Lack of sanitary facilities and sub-standard sewage systems are the cause of water contamination because of human waste. The term zero waste is pretty self-explanatory, not producing… Then I hear the all-too-familiar words; “Finish your plate young man!”. A survey by Johns Hopkins revealed there is a sizable amount of people who know food waste … That is 3.3 billion metric tons of CO2 per year. Currently, the world produces enough food that no one would have to starve. I mumble something as a futile and weak protest but end up gulping the peas anyway, one by one. The environmental implications of food waste alone make it worth avoiding. Reduces Environmental Damage. That is 3.3 billion metric tons of CO2 per year, . Also, if we were to lose our natural resources, there’d be fighting over everything and people would killed. When food goes in the trash, it goes to a landfill. Eating this rancid food can lead to their deaths. Even if you don’t care about the environment (which you should), there are purely selfish reasons to stop wasting food. ______________________. When You Waste Food, You're Wasting Tons Of Water, ... Now comes yet another reason not to waste food: It also wastes a heck of a lot of water, a new report says. When we don’t use roughly 40 percent of it, we’re squandering those embedded resources. So why are they thrown away? We can help abolish world hunger from this world by standing, together in unity and helping those who need it. Although water conservation is a big scale thing but every little bit helps, we should not think that what we do doesn’t matter. So if things are going wrong, we have to put them on the right track and so first we have to do fault-finding. ... As for all the water in wasted food, we wondered where it goes. We all need it to survive. A massive amount of resources–mostly oil and water–go into producing our food. While people are starving in many places, I never had to worry about the next meal. People who grow up in a well-off country, like me, have a weird, even a twisted, relationship with food. That is if you happen to grow up in a relatively safe and wealthy place. I honestly can’t understand why would you have to eat something that is, “Not every kid has the luxury of having enough. Answering The Interview Question “Tell us about yo... “What are the main motivations that drive yo... Why I Chose To Do An Internship With AIESEC, On Carrying a Youth Leadership Movement Through Uncertainty, What I’ve learned trying to make the world a better place. According to the latest food waste statistics from 2015, the UK binned 7.3 million tonnes of food, of which 4.4 million tonnes was that avoidable waste that was once okay but we left too long. I was mesmerized by the courage they showed, thinking... We have all been protected by bubble wrap at some point, shielding us from any harm or bad news. One of the inevitable questions is how to feed everyone. Restaurants, startups, and even big-name supermarkets are starting to get serious about food waste. In fact, nearly one-third of all food produced in the world is discarded or wasted for various reasons. Adaptation and Resilience in the Face of Challenges The…, How will the future look if all educators have leadership skills that enable them not only to impart knowledge but also to activate students to become leaders that believe in their own potential? There are a number of reasons food waste is bad for the environment. Composting food and diverting it from entering landfills helps prevent the creation of global greenhouse gas emissions and protects the environment. “But why?” I ask annoyed. Luckily, we’re not the only ones getting angry about food waste. How could you or I have even one thing shared with all these people? When food is wasted, so too is the land, water, labor, energy and other inputs that are used in producing, processing, transporting, preparing, storing, and disposing of the discarded food. So here are the top reasons why we must save water. When you’re a kid, you’re often shielded from the ills of the world. Globally speaking, 1.3 billion tons of food goes to waste every year. So what my mother said to me as a kid actually makes sense. Eating stale food not only kills aquatic animals but also murders terrestrial animals. Throughout the day, the message was clear, and the…, Were you brimming with excitement to see 2020 coming to an end? People tend to pick the best-looking fruit leaving the ones with a deviating shape or color in the shelves. The production, transportation, consumption and the disposal of goods require massive amounts of energy from fossil fuels. Severe dehydration can result in a number of severe complications, including: swelling in your brain. It’s a basic human necessity. Not to mention the waste of other inputs, energy and labour that goes into food production. This is everyone’s chance to make an impact. 5. This includes consumer level, which includes you and me. It’s easy to forget how much we toss out in our lives but there is a growing trend of conscious waste reduction called zero-waste. we have money for wars & weapons but we dont have money to feed the poor & hunger why? 2. Economic Concerns. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. We were awaiting a new beginning. kidney failure. A Finnish AIESECer with a passion for making an impact through the power of words! No matter how long I keep shifting the peas around the plate, they just don’t seem to disappear. In 2016, Asda was the first UK supermarket to begin selling wonky veg. Businesses and industries also contribute their share of used water that must be cleaned. “But why?” I ask annoyed. Wasting food is not sustainable for our earth, wastes our money and wastes many valuable resources. The organization focuses on empowering young people to make a positive impact on society. Because we need to leave these things for our children and children’s children. With 3.3billion tons of carbon dioxide produced, food waste has a big impact on the world climate. During the five years where the UK was able to reduce its food waste, households were able to save £6.5 billion. One of the biggest factors to food waste is many people simply do not realize how much food they throw away, nor do they realize the environmental impacts of that waste. The global population is projected to reach 9.8 billion by the year 2050. Water gets contaminated because of the improper disposal of human waste. There are environmental, ethical and economic reasons why food matters. For hunger is something we CAN fix, it isn't an untreatable disease... its an unfortuanate life error, that we, as human beings and as a species bring upon the fellow members of our globe. While a lot of the food wasted never reaches a plate, an enormous amount of food is thrown away by consumers. Now comes yet another reason not to waste food: It also wastes a heck of a lot of water, a new report says. We’re literally wasting mountains of food, and yes, 3rd biggest polluter, after the U.S. and China. They are not just detrimental to humans but also pose a serious threat to the marine life. Those who see the needs of the world -- the helpless children, the hungry children, the unclothed children, the unhealed children, the uneducated children, the unloved children of every age -- these will find God, Think well first, before you throw away or ruin any food, think about the children that are dying everydays starving. Edible food may be rejected by supermarkets due to crops not being favorable in terms of weight, size, or shape. The more waste that gets recycled, the less damage is done to the environment. Let that sink in for a while. The improper disposal of human waste has been the culprit behind epidemics such as cholera. With more food being wasted, landfills continue to inch higher and higher, attracting wildlife of all sorts and putting delicate ecosystems out of balance. 67.3% of bottled water sold in the United States is in single-serve plastic bottles. Why would the pear you buy for your fruit salad need to be pretty? 1. While other folks go hungry, we're eating pretty well. Here we go- The basic reason behind this is degradation of ethics in men irrespective of caste, colour, creed, race ,region and religion. Why would the pear you buy for your fruit salad need to be pretty? Or by providing a transparent reason…, I made the decision of going on an internship with AIESEC in November 2019. The environmental implications of food waste alone make it worth avoiding. Why we can’t afford to give water privileges to big agriculture. We can launch missiles & satellites but cant provide one time food to hunger what can be a bigger blot on the nation? Show this to your kids to let them know how much effort it takes for food to be put on their table and let them understand why we should not waste food. What about the waste that is not produced by individuals? 3. Avoiding food waste saves you money, too. In homes, this includes water from sinks, showers, bathtubs, toilets, washing machines and dishwashers. He said, "I feed you." It’s a basic human necessity. We should be careful not to waste water or any of our natural resources. There is always enough. As a little girl, my answers were things like ‘designer’ or ‘teacher’ most of the time, never thinking…, Montreal, Canada, February 3rd, 2021 – AIESEC’s biggest annual event, set to be hosted online and bring together 13 000 young members of the organization from across 110+ countries and territories. Lets never take food for granted. Career And Business Predictions for 2021 As Per Your Zodiac Sign, Love Life Predictions for 2021 As Per Your Zodiac Sign. After learning about all the causes of food waste, you’re probably feeling as riled as we are. Financial impact. Water conservation means using our limited water supply wisely and caring for it properly. 1. Mostly east and central african countries (south audan, nigeria,yemen, somalia) Hope you have enough reasons for not wasting food. However, our planet will not grow in size and we are already cutting down rainforests at an alarming rate to produce food. Cutting down of rainforests, global warming, depletion of ozone layer, water/land/air pollution, the death of marine life from plastic pollution, and many more – these could be reduced if we cut down waste. We all need it to survive. Food waste is a bigger problem than many people realize. In fact, if we could. It has happened because neither you nor I wanted to give that person what he or she needed, So, next time you pass someone on the street who is in need, remember how lucky you are, and don't turn away..DONT WASTE FOOD GIVE IT TO OTHERS, © 2021 Times Internet Limited. Let that sink in for a while. 4. Most people don't realize how much food they throw away every day — from uneaten leftovers to spoiled produce. Currently in the world United Nations has declared famine in 2 countries and 3 countries are at a high risk of famines. 2. Citrus peel is something we throw away but there are things that can be done with it (C) image Anna Pitt. 3.the death rate exceeds two persons per day per 10,000 persons. Improper Disposal of Human Waste. A huge amount of resources goes into food production, so when we end up throwing away food that we’ve purchased, we squander the precious resources that we’re trying so hard to protect. Wastewater is used water. Failing to re-use wastewater means failing to maximize a valuable resource. One of the inevitable questions is how to feed everyone. The good news is that by just reducing that we can do a lot. One of the targets for Sustainable Development Goal 12, Responsible Consumption and Production, is to halve food waste on all levels by 2030. While being part of AIESEC two years ago, I helped two volunteers go to Tanzania. Seafood waste being thrown back into the ocean is also having a detrimental impact on sea life and their natural balance. Helps the environment. Wasted water and land, unnecessary transportation, and the releasing of methane, wastes oil and land. Most of the time, corporations do not mind helping the candidate out by offering feedback on the application. UNEP held a contest for World Environment Day on the topic of food waste in line with the theme, Think.Eat.Save – Reduce your foodprint! A Finnish AIESECer with a passion for making an im. This number is enormous. ______________________. Washing hands with soap and water is the best way to reduce the number of germs on them, however during a disaster clean, running water may not be available. There’s bad news and good news. Water conservation minimizes its wastage. 1. 3. EPA estimates that in 2018, about 68 percent of the wasted food we generated—or about 42.8 million tons-- ended up in landfills or combustion facilities.By managing food sustainably and reducing waste, we can help businesses and consumers save money, provide a bridge … Because the good news to a hungry person is bread, There are peaceful uses of atom - in science, technology and medicine - why opt for nuclear weapons of mass destruction, The arms race can kill, though the weapons themselves may never be their cost alone, armaments kill the poor by causing them to starve, Shiv-Shambhu is self-menifest supreme soul: Haiku, Celebrate Shivratri with Two-line Mahakal Stotra Chanting, A hungry man can think of nothing but food, Celebrate the festive season without crackers, Know briefly about Shaivite Naga Sadhus this Shivratri. Water gets contaminated because of the improper disposal of human waste. We had hopes and dreams that everything will be better in…, What do you want to be when you’re an adult? When we don’t use roughly 40 percent of it, we’re squandering those embedded resources. Have you ever questioned if you can have something in common with 3.7 billion people? With that being said, here are significant reasons why food waste should be lessened. Salt water is plentiful, but fresh water is scarce. A lot of food waste comes from pure laziness. Here are three reasons to reduce food waste in your every day life. A lot of food waste comes from the products that are not sold. We take more food than we need on the plate so that we don’t have to get up to get some more. Before we start to try to eliminate food waste, we must begin with understanding why we waste food. 1) Don’t waste food & water give it to OTHERS 2) Wasting Food & Water effects ENVIRONMENT 3) Food & Water is WEAPON during WARS 4) Wasting Food & Water is wasting ENERGY There’s bad news and good news. Packaging and Waste; I will go into each reason in more detail below. Greenhouse gases generated from food rotting in landfills could be reduced to help mitigate climate change I wrote a series of short articles on the subject, re-published, for greater awareness, on Living Green Mag.. My article We Have More Than Enough, And So We Waste was chosen as the top 10, getting me to the second round. Additionally, £86 million was saved through avoided food waste disposal costs. Here are three reasons to reduce food waste in your every day life. We need to stop buying food we don’t need and then waste. Plants and animals require water, fertilizer, and food, and the packaging/shipping end of things uses oil and paper, among other things, and produces pollution. With home, and health, and happiness, we shouldn't want to fuss; For by this stack of evidence, God's very good to us. When food goes in the trash, it goes to a landfill. Quite simple math. What about the waste that is not produced by individuals? AIESEC is the world’s largest youth-run organization. 1. Lets never take food for granted. You still pay for the food you waste, so if you waste less food you save money. Don't do this in initial five years of marriage! In fact, if we could cut down food waste just by a quarter, it would be enough to feed all the people who are malnourished. So what my mother said to me as a kid actually makes sense. Americans consumed 13.7 billion gallons of bottled water in 2017 - more than any other beverage by volume - boosting an industry worth $18.5 billion. The global population is projected to reach 9.8 billion by the year 2050. A massive amount of resources–mostly oil and water–go into producing our food. Here are 10 good reasons why properly managed wastewater resources should not be wasted; Scarcity of water. However, our planet will not grow in size and we … Population growth, climate change, over-farming, and water shortages all contribute to food scarcity. Scientific Inventions are creating plenty but commercial conventions are creating scarcity. There are a number of reasons, and here are a few important ones to consider: AWARENESS. Everybody Benefits Food waste also gives off methane gas, which is dangerous for us and our environment. The food we buy and don’t eat didn’t just use human effort…it consumed an awful lot of natural resources too. If we buy food, we must make sure we eat it! Production units have become partly destruction units. No doubt, it has been an intense year for us all. Because they don’t look nice. Wasting food is not good for anyone in anyway-to the economy, to the environment or to our own ethical justification. The mother goddess Mantras- remedies for all miseries, defilement and ensuring Welfare. 1) Don’t waste food & water give it to OTHERS2) Wasting Food & Water effects ENVIRONMENT3) Food & Water is WEAPON during WARS4) Wasting Food & Water is wasting ENERGY5) Wasting Food & Water is SIN6) Wasting Food is wasting MoneyWhen a poor person dies of hunger, it has not happened because God did not take care of him or her. Conserving water means using it wisely, being mindful of every drop. 3 Reasons to Reduce Food Waste. ... We … Wasted food = wasted planetary resources. And a lot of those products are perfectly edible. Numerous road side animals feed on garbage and the stale food which we have wasted. Although water conservation is a big scale thing but every little bit helps, we should not think that what we do doesn’t matter. It has happened because neither you nor I wanted to give that person what he or she needed, So, next time you pass someone on the street who is in need, remember how lucky you are, and don't turn away..DONT WASTE FOOD GIVE IT TO OTHERS. While a lot of the food wasted never reaches a plate. In fact, there seems to be too much of it if you judge by the amount that is thrown away. 3 Reasons to Reduce Food Waste. I was about to complete the third year of my university studies and found myself – frankly – a bit lost. A lot of food waste comes from the products that are not sold. The more waste that gets recycled, the less damage is done to the environment. Reduces Environmental Damage. Then I hear the all-too-familiar words; “Finish your plate young man!”. You still pay for the food you waste, so if you waste less food you save money. Now, you introspect yourself how much guilty are you to waste food instead of utilizing it. The AIESEC network includes approximately 44,280 members in 127 countries. The good news is that by just reducing that we can do. [ 14 ] GMOs can help address those problems with genetic engineering to improve crop yields and help farmers grow food in drought regions or on depleted soil, thereby lowering food prices and feeding more people. 2021 is going to be lucky for these three zodiac signs! 10. I honestly can’t understand why would you have to eat something that is green.“Not every kid has the luxury of having enough food to eat, that’s why.” my mom explains. You might think that your personal actions don’t have a significant effect on it, but these 5 facts should make you reconsider that thought. Supermarkets have appearance quality standards. Wasted food is not only detrimental to the environment but also costs consumers, businesses and taxpayers substantial amounts of money. We’re literally wasting mountains of food, and yes, food waste would be the 3rd biggest polluter, after the U.S. and China. All rights reserved, When a poor person dies of hunger, it has not happened because God did not take care of him or her. Money, labor and finite resources go into the production, processing, packaging and transportation of all that food -- the equivalent of $165 billion that we end up throwing out as food waste every year. It includes substances such as human waste, food scraps, oils, soaps and chemicals. When you’re a kid, you’re often shielded from the ills of the world. Trash that is thrown away and not recycled will end up either in a landfill, or incinerated, or will hurt the environment in some other way. For every piece of food we waste, someone, somewhere else, goes hungry. Wasted food is the single largest contributor to collected waste not to mention that it wastes water, labour, fuel, money, & love!
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